Chapter 9

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Mercedes P.O.V

Me and Kylian hadn't talked much ever since our fight.

I knew a part of the reason why we fought was partly my blame.

I shouldn't have slept with João just because I was mad at Ky.

But he shouldn't have said all that.

Ky was really annoying when he got mad. He would say the most hurtful shit.

And when he told me all that on our phone call it made me rethink if I should even get back with him.

João had texted me again asking to see me but I never replied back.

I wasn't interested in doing anything with João. He was just there at the perfect time when me and Kylian got into a fight.

I fucked him out of anger.

I did feel bad and eventually told him everything and he accepted my apology

He told me that he would always have a special place in his heart for me and I thanked him for always treating me right.

He flew back to London because that's where he was playing in his premier league.

I forget which one he had mentioned to me but he played for one of the more famous clubs.

I felt bad because I never really paid attention to what he would tell me about his life but the truth is I was too hung up on Kylian to even think about anyone else.

I missed him so much. Even though he treated me bad over and over again.

It was just the fact that I had so many memories with him and he was kind of my first in a lot of things.

Mostly sexually.

Maybe that's what always stopped me from getting close to other guys because I was so comfortable with Ky but I think it was time for me to move on with another guy.

Maybe Pedri.

He was really cute and seemed like a sweet guy.

Maybe we would be more than friends in the future but if not I guess there would always be someone else.

Pedri P.O.V

I told my coach that I wasn't feeling good after practice today.

I guess I hadn't fully recovered from my injury because I still felt a sharp pain in my right thigh.

I told the medical staff at our stadium and they said it looked sore and our best bet for the team was for me to sit out in the next match.

I was a bit upset because I was really looking forward to getting back on the field.

It sucked seeing my other teammates play while I was out with an injury.

"Hopefully it would give me more motivation to do better for my future games and be more careful so I am not prone to injuries in my future" I thought to myself sitting on the bench.

Hearing Mercedes voice took me back to the scene in front of me.

She was speaking with Ney about something and I couldn't stop staring at her.

She looked gorgeous today.

She had her hair straightened and was wearing a sundress.

I don't know whatever happened with her and Kylian from that day we all spoke but I knew that I liked her

And from what I've seen. He didn't even treat her well.

So it wouldn't be that hard to warm up to her.

"Lo siento por tu lesión hermano" said my teammate and good friend Gavi.

He came and sat next to me on the bench holding a futbol in his hand while spinning it around on his fingertips.

"Thanks man. I'm just bummed I'll have to sit out on our next match" I said.

"Well now you can sleep in more" he said laughing.

He shifted in his seat a little , facing towards me now before leaning into me and pointing to Mercedes.

"¿sabes quién es esa chica?" he said.

"Mercedes ?" I said furrowing my brows.

"Yes. You know her" he asked grinning.

"Yeah. Why?" I replied.

"I think she is cute" he said letting out a little laugh.

"Es posible que quieras retroceder porque esa es la chica de Mbappe" I said lying.

I didn't want him to know that her and Kylian had broken up but if Gavi was interested in her and he knew that she was invoked with Kylian.

He wouldn't dare.

Gavi was a bit competitive when it came to pursing girls.

He was willing to do anything to win a girl over.

But not Mercedes. I already had dibs on her but he didn't know.

But that didn't matter because he didn't need to know.

"en serio?? oh okay never mind then" he said making a disappointed face.

"Okay well , I should go then. I'll see you later bro." he said before jogging off towards the field.

If Gavi had a interest in Mercedes , I had to make a move soon before anyone else took a shot at her.

I saw her walking towards the exit of the stadium and quickly walked over to where she was.

"Mercedes wait" I said catching up to her.

"Pedri. Hi" she said giving me a smile.

"How are you" I asked giving her a side hug.

"I'm a-alright." she said looking down.

I could tell something was up with her.

"What's wrong?"

"Is this about Kylian?"

"N-no. Okay yes it is. Me and him broke up." she said pulling me into a quiet corner.

"Don't tell anyone this but we broke up because I sent him a picture of João fingering me"

"What?" I laughed.

She can't be serious. Was she?

"En serio?" I asked.

"Eu não falo espanhol" she said laughing.

"What?" I said confused.

"Nothing" she giggled.

"I'm serious though. I actually sent him a picture"

"Damn. Didn't know you were bold like that" I said laughing.

"Maybe you can see it sometime" she winked.

"What the picture?" I asked making a face.

"No idiot" she said slapping my shoulder.

"I meant my "boldness" or whatever"

"Maybe I can this Friday?" I said asking her out.

"Okay. This friday." she smiled.

"Pick you up at 7?"

"Yes" she said before giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking off.

"Finally" I thought to myself.

Authors Note

this was kind of a boring chapter yall bcuz i'm running out of ideas but i hope u all enjoyed reading plz send me suggestions if y'all want tysm :))💞💞

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