Chapter 15

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Kylian P.O.V

I was about to beat Richarlison's ass for making Mercedes cry.

I was running late to the party because I had to ran some last minute errands for my brother.

And when I arrived I ran into Mercedes crying and when I looked at who she was looking at, it was Richarlison.

And he was looking at her with a guilty expression on his face so I had assumed something serious happened between them but I wasn't going to stand there and do nothing.

So I decided to settle this out.

He needed to get his ass beat from me.

"Hey." I said tapping him from behind on the shoulder.

He turned around and rolled his eyes at me before speaking.

"What do you wa-

Before he could finish I threw a punch straight to his jaw knocking him back a few steps , spilling the drink he had in his hand.

He quickly regained his balance and pushed me back aggressively.

"Touch me again and I'll fuck you up Mbappe." he growled.

"Likewise." I said sneering.

"Fuck this." he said before sending a punch to my nose.

"Putain." I yelled holding my nose that was now gushing blood.

"Oh my god." Mercedes said rushing down to the scene.

"What the fuck did you guys do." she snapped.

"He came onto me first." he said pointing at me.

"He made you cry." I said looking at him hastily.

"Okay ENOUGH. Both of you don't talk to me for the rest of the night." she said shoving past us and away from the scene.

"Vadia." (bitch) Richarlison said walking past me while holding onto his shoulder.

I pulled my shirt halfway up to help collect some of the blood that was seeping out of my nose before making my way to the bathroom.

I was about to close the door when a hand stopped it from closing.

"Wait." Mercedes said rolling her eyes before making her way into the bathroom and locking the door behind her.

"Sit." she said looking down at the countertop in front of her.

I sat down on the countertop and she came in between my parted legs with a cloth in her hand and a water bottle to drain my nose.

"Hold still." she muttered before using the cloth to soak up all the blood that was now spilling from the water bottle she used to flush my nose.

She quickly cleaned up my nose and dried it erasing any trance of a punch.

"There." she said before washing her hands under the faucet.

"Thanks Mercy." I said standing up from the countertop and now facing her back while she looked at herself in the mirror.

She didn't say anything but continued to fix herself in the mirror like she didn't just came in here and fix my nose.

After a couple seconds of silence I turned her around to face me.

"Mercedes can you talk to me." I said.

"Richy's getting married." she said with a visible pout etched on her face.

I let go of her waist and stepped back a bit.

"So that's what's got you all upset." I said running my fingers over my hair.

"I'm sorry about the fight though. That punch looked bad." she muttered.

"Yeah. It's whatever. I'd do anything for the girl I'm in love with even if she doesn't feel the same." I said.

"Your always number one in my heart Ky. You should know that."

"Doesn't feel like it." I said pursing my lips.

"Why do I feel like I have to constantly prove my love for you. Why can't it ever be enough." she said throwing her hands up in the air in defeat.

"Don't act all innocent Mercedes. You know exactly what you've done in the past to prove your "love" for me." I snapped.

"Ky. I'm trying to tell you I love you and your twisting it into something else." she said with an angry expression drawn on her face.

"You don't love me like I thought you did." I said looking at her with disgust.

"Your unbelievable."

"I hate you, just leave me alone for good." she huffed opening the lock and leaving out the bathroom.

Mercedes P.O.V

I left the bathroom to get some fresh air because it felt like Kylian's words were suffocating me.

Time and time again proved him to be my worst enemy.

No matter how many times I told him I loved him, it was never enough for him.

I didn't even want to stay at this party anymore.

All it did was remind me of my past. So I left and went on a drive to clear my thoughts.

I drove to the beach since it reminded me of Brazil.

When I was little every-time there was a problem in my life that I felt like I could never fix , somehow going to the beach helped solve all my problems.

I used to think growing up was the best part in life but now that I am an adult.

It's the worst part of growing up. Being an adult and dealing with adult problems.

And relationship problems.

Out of all the guys I've ever had a thing with I always believed Kylian to be the one who I would end up with at the end.

But as the days past by , all me and him ever did was argue and I thought more and more everyday on what was more important to me.

My mental health or his bickering ass.

I didn't know what exactly to do but the quiet ruffling of the waves and birds in the distance brought me a sense of peace that whatever decision I made.

It would bring me peace. And would bring about someone who would treat me like I actually mattered to them.

Authors Note
guys what do y'all think??? i need to know who u guys want more of. richy, joao, ky or pedri??? lmk plz💞💞

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