Chapter 32

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Mercedes P.O.V

I woke up the next morning reminiscing over the events that occurred last night.

I freshened up and made my way downstairs hoping and praying that nobody heard what had went down last night.

"Bom dia Mercy." my brother emphasized surprised I even woke up this early.

"I made some breakfast if you want. You can sit with Richy and eat." he said patting the chair.

I gave him a smile before looking towards where Richy was sitting and gave him a smile as well.

He looked at me uneasy for a bit but then gave me a small smile.

"Fuck." I thought contemplating whether or not Richy had heard my moaning through our conversation last night.

"How was your sleep last night?" he asked not looking up from his bowl of cereal.

"Decent. You?"

"Good. Besides the part where I saw Kylian leaving with his pants halfway on."

I almost choked on my apple slice and luckily spit it out.

"You heard me?" I asked looking around to make sure Ney wasn't around.

"Yeah. It was pretty obvious you were moaning while I was trying to talk to you." he mumbled giving me a side eye.

"Sorry?" I shrugged.

"What's there to be sorry for. Your always gonna go back to Kylian and I have to accept that." he said getting up to put his bowl in the sink.

I followed him with my plate and put it down in the sink hoping to get closer to him.

"I'm sorry about Kylian." I whispered next to his ear.

"Don't be sorry. Just don't expect me to be waiting for you at the end of the day." he muttered while walking away towards the sofa in the living room.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair putting my hands on top of the counter in front of me.

Just then I heard Ney come back into the living room and give me a look.

"Is everything okay irmã?"

"Yes Ney. I was just about to head out to meet with a friend though. If that's fine?" I asked making sure there were no previous plans to hang out with the so called guest.

"Nope your free to go sis. But be back by 10 pm we have a party to go too."

I heard Richy scoff in the distance but he played it off like it was something that made him mad from his phone.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out texting Ky to come and pick me up so we could spend the whole day together.

I went upstairs to quickly change and threw on a pair of booty shorts to make Richy mad and a tank top that was tight so it hugged my breasts.

And no bra.

I looked in the mirror and smirked at myself knowing it was about to piss off Richy.

I just hoped Ney wasn't around or else he would kill me if he saw me wearing this.

I got a text from my phone and saw it was from Kylian saying he was here so I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

"Whoa whoa whoa."

"Where do you think your going?" Richy said looking at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Out." I spat.

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