Chapter 21

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Mercedes P.O.V

I sat in the back of the car since I didn't want to sit in the front with Pedri.

Gavi offered to let me sit in the front but I declined out of respect for KyKy.

I wasn't going to do anything with Pedri anyways but I still wanted to keep boundaries and respect Ky since at the end of the day we were still together.

"Are you coming to our game against Chelsea for champions league." Gavi asked glancing at me through the rear view mirror.


"I am planning on coming so you guys better win." I joked.

Gavi laughed before putting his hand on Pedri's shoulder.

"You gotta win for your girl bro." he laughed.

"For sure." Pedri said smirking at me through the rear view.

"I have a boyfriend guys." I said rolling my eyes.

Pedri scoffed and his grip tightened on the steering wheel.

"I saw you guys fighting earlier. Is everything okay between you both." Gavi asked , a concerned expression painted on his face.

"Y-yeah everything is fine." I stuttered.

"Stop lying Mercy." Pedri spat.

"Why do you even deal with him when he doesn't even treat you right." Pedri muttered.

"Why do you care so much about me and Kylian." I scoffed.

"Someone's jealous." Gavi cooed giving his friend a playful look.

Pedri rolled his eyes and told Gavi to shut up before making a stop in front of a gated house.

"This is your stop hermanito." he said unlocking the doors.

"Gracias hombre. I'll see you later Mercy!" Gavi exclaimed before making his way out and shutting the door.

Pedri put his arm on the now empty passenger's seat and turned his head back to face me.

"There's an empty seat open for you here." he winked.

"Your too much." I said annoyed at his attempt to flirt with me.

"Okay okay I'm sorry." he laughed.

"But seriously though if you'd like you can come sit up here." he said turning his attention back to the road in front of him.

I decided to move to the front since it felt a little lonely in the back and quickly shifted into the front seat by climbing over the seat myself.

I adjusted myself in the seat and put on my seatbelt.

"I knew you'd come around." he said before switching gears to drive.


We were passing through the streets of Barca on the way to Ney's place.

I looked out the window at the starry night and my mind drifted off to Kylian and wondered what he was up to since he hasn't texted or called since our fight.

I wasn't going to text him either and decided to be petty since it wasn't fair that I should be the one who came crawling back to him every-time he fought with me.

And besides he would freak out if he even found out I was in the car with Pedri.

"What are you thinking so hard about." he chuckled.

"Nothing. Just looking at the beautiful night." I replied , my eyes not leaving the sky.

We were stopped at a red light when I felt a hand on my thigh.

"Pedri. What are you doing." I asked looking down at his hand placement.

He moved my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear so I was now in his view.

"I have to be honest with myself and tell you that I can't stop thinking about you since our date and seeing you with Kylian doesn't make me feel any better about the way I'm feeling." he said brushing my cheek with his thumb.

I pulled his hand off my cheek and moved his hand off my thigh.

"I'm with Kylian now. I'm sorry you can't be touching me like this." I said, my voice barely coming out.

"Like this?" he asked placing his hand back on my thigh.

"You don't like when I do this?" he asked again, this time trailing further and further up my thighs.

"P-Pedri s-stop." I said stumbling over my words.

"Tell me to stop again and I will." he said asking for reassurance.

But I didn't reply and let him continue his actions on my thigh.

He smirked and understood my silence before sneaking his fingers into my panties and rubbing me while having one hand on the wheel.

"What's the way to your house again?" he asked wanting to see my reaction to what he was doing to me.

"T-this w..ay." I whimpered pointing to the street around the corner.

"I wonder how Kylian would feel knowing that his girl is getting fingered right now." he smirked.

I felt instant guilt when he said that but instead of quitting it only made me more flustered.

The feeling of knowing that I was doing something I wasn't supposed to only made me closer to my release.

"F-fuck keep going Pepi. I'm gonna cum." I moaned against his fingers.

"You like hearing that huh."

"You like knowing that your little boyfriend is probably worried as to why you aren't texting or calling him but instead getting finger fucked by me in the front seat of my car." he said encouraging me to cum on his fingers.

"Uhnnn-fuck yes I'm cumming." I said throwing my head back and releasing myself onto his fingers.

I felt myself clench around his fingers as he slowly removed them from my region and licked his fingers clean.

"So good baby." he said before arriving at Ney's mansion and unlocking the door.

"I'll see you soon I hope." he said putting his finger under my chin bringing me to meet his gaze.

"This was a mistake Pepi.." I said with a guilty expression.

"But you liked it." he replied leaning in for a kiss.

I leaned in and let him give me a peck before I left his car and unlocked the gate to the house.

I heard his car speed off and I looked back to see after he was gone.

I caught myself smiling and thinking about what happened earlier until I saw someone standing at my front door with flowers.

Oh no.

It was KyKy.

Authors Note

will kyky find out what mercy & pedri did in the next chapter or will mercy play it off well enough for his delusional ass to not know what happened??🫣🫣

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