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George woke up as they were driving out of the city. 

"You know, an open top car isn't a good idea when you're kidnapping someone." Said George. "Even if they've gone along willingly."

"We're aware of that." Said Clay. "We've been having police cars follow us tons of times."

"Just great at this aren't you?" Said George.

"Look, I know you're famous now, but it doesn't mean that you have the right to be rude to everyone." Said Nick.

"Well I just am, okay?" Said George, sighing. "You guys wouldn't get it."

"Wouldn't get what?" Asked Clay.

"I'm not rude because I think that I'm better than everyone else." Said George. "I'm rude to people because usually it's the only way that I can get them to actually listen to me. And do you know what I get out of that? Abuse." He sighed again. "I get abuse but at least I get treated like a human being for once."

"For once?" Said Clay.

"Yeah. Being famous isn't all that it's cracked up to be." Said George. "Especially when you're manipulated and controlled by almost everyone. My parents control everything single thing that I do."

But then they heard police sirens behind them. They all clung on as they quickly turned a corner.

"At this rate we're never gonna even get there." Said Nick.

"We're so dead." Said Karl. "If we don't get there within the next couple hours who knows what they'll do."

"Who even hired you guys to do this?" Asked George.

"We don't exactly know." Said Clay. "It's all sorta illegal though so yeah."

"Do you even know what they were planning to do with me?" Asked George.

"Nope." Said Clay.

"It was anonymous, but we're being paid so yeah." Said Nick.

"So either way this is going to end badly for me." Said George. "Being kidnapped somehow is the better solution."

After a few sharp turns they lost the police.

"I think we're somehow on the right road." Said Nick.

"So, what have you guys been doing the past few years?" Asked George.

"We all just continued with school." Said Nick.

"Until we got ourselves into this awful job." Said Karl.

"It is sorta fun though." Said Clay.

"But definitely not legal." Said Karl.

"What have you been doing?" Asked Nick.

"I've been forced to do some of the shittiest things ever." Said George. "And whenever I wasn't being forced to do something I wasn't exactly doing anything legal. We were all about 14 when my parents dragged me away right?"

"Around about." Said Clay.

"My parents were always trying to promote my music. But then I also had to do various other jobs. There were tons of modelling things. And I can't even remember the amount of auditions I did for various TV shows and films." Said George. "And then it gets a bit dark."

"What do you mean?" Asked Nick.

"For two years I was forced to work at a strip club." Said George. "Shit pay as well so it wasn't even worth it. And all that my parents even got out of it was that I am now alright wearing tiny ass clothes like these. Also the fact that then they thought they could just trade me off to people to get what they wanted."

"You should've run away." Said Clay.

"Don't you think I tried?" Said George. "I couldn't get away from them. Also it's hard to run away when you're dressed up like a doll. The first couple years I sometimes managed to get away. But not often. And then half the time I'd get dragged home by the police for breaking the law."

"What did you even do?" Asked Karl.

"Stuff like street racing. With stolen cars as well since I didn't own any." Said George. "And then later on drugs if I could bribe someone enough to get me any. I became so well known by the police. They called me 'the unstable kid'. I knew most of them by name. And whenever I was taken down to the station I was always thrown into the same cell so I started carving the number of times I'd been there on the wall."

"Do you actually know how many?" Asked Clay.

"I remember that it was 50+." Said George. "At one stage I didn't end up getting arrested for a while, until I was forced to work at the strip club. I saw them at least once a week then."

"We all honestly thought that you were actually doing okay." Said Nick.

"The only good bit strangely was getting arrested." Said George.

They continued driving for about an hour. And finally they were there.

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