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"This place kinda looks abandoned." Said George.

"It's probably the right place then." Said Nick.

They walked up to the large warehouse in front of them. Clay and Nick pulled back the two large doors and they four stepped inside.

"This place is awful." Said Karl.

"I've seen worse." Said George.

As they walked further in the doors closed behind them. They could hear people walking around in the darkness.

"Cut the fucking dramatics." Shouted George. "And get to the damn point."

But then George quickly moved as he was shot at. He grabbed one of them off of the floor.

"Tranquiliser darts?" Said George. "Hey dumbasses, you missed."

"I don't remember him being this rude." They heard someone whisper.

George sighed.

"It's annoying being in a room and actually knowing what's going on." Said George.

And George wasn't surprised when people walked out of the shadows. 

"I wish that I could pretend I was surprised." Said George. "Look, I'm not helping with whatever bullshit this is."

"Wow, you've definitely changed." Said Wilbur.

"And apparently I'm the only one who has." Said George. "But I guess that's just what all the abuse has done."

"Abuse?" Said Tommy, who was standing next to Wilbur.

"And of course, the surprise that someone famous has a really shitty life." Said George.

"We've all been through shit." Said Wilbur.

"At least you were treated like an actual human being." Said George. "But anyway, go on with the speech you were planning on how you need my help with some dumbass shit that you've done."

"We need to do a big job and we need your help." Said Wilbur.

"And why my help?" Asked George. "Because I've done this shit before or because you idiots miss me."

"Possibly a bit of both. But mainly because you've done this before." Said Wilbur. "And also because it's a big job."

"You guys upset someone didn't you?" Said George.

"We sorta did." Said Wilbur. "Remember the casino?"

"The one which was run by the mafia? Yeah." Said George.

"We accidentally burnt it down." Said Wilbur. "After gambling tons and then losing."

"Look, the last time I messed with the mafia they tried to kill me." Said George. "Why should it be any different this time?"

"They're gonna try and kill us all." Said Wilbur. "Now, will you at least listen to the plan?"

"Alright." Said George.

"So, cause we angered the mafia and they're gonna try and kill us we just need to get rid of them. We need to either get them arrested or kill them." Said Wilbur. "We've already got access to some information because Alex is in the mafia. So, we can't kill him. But he has given us information. We know that there is an entrance to some sort of base in the strip club. But here's the problem, mafia members have to have clearance to get in and out which means Alex can't just sneak us in there."

"Easy, it's a strip club. The mafia members will definitely spend time there. Just convince them that they need you and that you won't do anything bad if they let you into their base and then boom, you're in." Said George. "And it's probably mafia run anyway."

But then in the distance they heard sirens.

"Well, you guys might want to run." Said George. "They'll arrest all of you. And I'll do the plan, but someone's gonna have to help me get away from my parents."

The others all ran into the shadows as they heard the police pull up outside. And a few seconds later police burst into the building. George was grabbed and dragged out of the building.

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