George was thrown into the back of a car. His hands were tied and he was gagged. In the front of the car he could see Alex and a stranger. George couldn't quite hear what they were saying. A short while later the car stopped and he was dragged out. He was dragged into a building which became clear that it was the strip club once he was inside. 

"Seems you've done well here." Said a man, walking up to them.

"Thought you could maybe set him up with one of the guys." Said the stranger from earlier.

"Of course, of course." Said the man. "I'll get one of them to push him through it. Get him to know what he's gotta do from now on."

"I heard that he actually used to be a stripper." Said Alex.

"That would explain a lot about him." Said the man. "Well, I'll take him from here."

George was grabbed by the man and was dragged over to a booth. He was thrown down onto a seat. The man untied his hands and removed the gag. But then the man crouched down and pulled out a chair from under the seat. He attached it to George's ankle.

"Now, if you try to leave this place, you die." Said the man. "Understand?" He continued when George nodded. "So just do what you're asked to do okay?"

The man walked off, leaving George not knowing what to do. But soon enough some walked up to George. Only a short time later George found himself sat on someone's lap, letting them do whatever they wanted to him. 


Alex walked into the back with his boss. They walked through to his bosses office.

"Sit down." Said his boss. "Wanna drink?"

"Sure, why not." Said Alex.

Alex sat down and the boss poured out a couple glasses. Then he sat down opposite Alex.

"I've got a feeling that the famous kid that we've got upstairs is gonna come in handy." Said the boss.

"In which way?" Asked Alex. "Cause I think there's more we can do than just send out a ransom note."

"Really? What do you know?" Asked the boss.

"Not much. But I do know that he used to be a stripper and he has broken the law a bunch of times." Said Alex.

"Interesting." Said the boss. "Well, the boys will like him at the very least. And we've not had anyone down here since we killed the last one."

"She was an ass. Shoulda gotten rid of her earlier." Said Alex.

"You don't like any of the ones that we ever get here." Said the boss.

"They're just not my type." Said Alex. "There's someone out there, but they're not apart of all this."


It was late at night now. George felt so tired, he'd not been left alone since he'd arrived. As the guy who he had been either the 4th or 5th that he'd been with so far, he felt himself getting sleepier and sleepier. But then another guy walked up to him. George let the guy pick him up and place him on his lap before they then started kissing.


Alex was walking into his office when he got a call. He quickly shut the door behind him.

"Dude you know you can't call me." Said Alex.

"Hey darling." Said Wilbur over the phone.

Alex sighed as he blushed. 

"You can't keep doing this." Said Alex.

"At least I don't visit you while you're working." Said Wilbur. "If I could I would."

"You know that you're sorta allowed in the strip club since it is sorta open to the public. Sorta." Said Alex.

"But remember that part where I upset those buddies of yours." Said Wilbur.

"I miss you." Said Alex, sighing again.

"I know." Said Wilbur.

But then Alex heard the room door opening behind him.

"I've got to go." Said Alex. "Bye."

He ended the call quickly. Then he turned around to see his boss at the door.

"Who was that?" Asked the boss, closing the door behind him as he walked in.

"Umm- just a friend." Stuttered Alex.

The boss moved closer and pushed Alex up against the wall. He quickly pulled out a knife and held it against Alex's throat.

"You know you're mine, right?" Said the boss.

Alex nodded his head.

"Now, don't you forget that." Said the boss. "But, while we're talking I've got a few questions for you?"

Alex lashed out and quickly ran away. But as soon as he left the room he saw that the exit was blocked. He ran through the hallways. He couldn't see anyway out. As he turned the corner he spotted a storage cupboard and locked himself in. Hopefully they wouldn't realise immediately. He had to call for help. He called Wilbur.

"They know." Said Alex frantically. "They know. There's nothing I can do. I can't escape. And I think they know about George too."

"Calm down." Said Wilbur. "We're gonna get you out of there, okay? Just try and stay alive."

But then Alex ended the call as someone started to ram open the door.

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