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A couple hours later, George found himself in the massive penthouse which he lived in. His parents weren't home and the door was guarded by a body guard. George walked into his bedroom and slammed the door behind him. He had an awful feeling that something bad was going to happen. 

He went into the bathroom and showered. At least he wasn't covered in makeup and all sorts of other things now. He walked over to his closet. He pulled out a cropped light blue hoodie and tight black shorts. Underneath the shorts he wore black fishnets. But as he was pulling on some black lace up boots something hit his window. He quickly ran over and opened the window. But then he stood back as something was thrown in. George crouched down and grabbed it. It was a rock with a note tied on.

We're gonna get you out of there

George stuck his head out of the window and looked around to see where the rock had been thrown from. But then he gasped as he heard someone behind him.

"George, what on earth are you doing?" Snapped his mother. "And what is that in your hand?"

George turned around. Standing in front of him was his mother and near the door was a body guard. The body guard walked up to George and grabbed him by the arm before snatching the rock and the note from his hand. The body guard handed it to George's mother.

"I thought we'd been over this." Said his mother. "You are never leaving. Never." She sighed. "Collar him."

George tried to pull away as the body guard grabbed a metal contraption. It was attached around George's neck and then the body guard dropped him, letting George fall to his knees. Then the body guard handed George's mother a remote. As soon as she turned the dial in the centre of the remote George cried out in pain.

"If you even try to leave then this will happen." She said. "Understand?"

George quickly nodded. Then his mother left with the body guard following her. After the door closed George heard a click. He ran over the door and tried to open it but he couldn't. They'd locked him in. He sat against the door crying. As he got up someone shouted through the door.

"In about 10 minutes your makeup artist will be here so that you won't look like such a mess." Shouted his mother.

"Alright." George shouted back.

He grabbed some tissues to wipe away the tears. And not long later the door was unlocked and the makeup artist came into the room. She grabbed George by the hand and dragged him over to the vanity.

"Hey Mollie." Said George.

"Your mother seemed quite angry." Said Mollie. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Said George, trying to smile.

Mollie started doing the makeup. 

"Oh, you've got a bruise there. How did that happen?" Asked Mollie.

"I uhh- I just tripped and hit my head on something." Said George.

It was a while before Mollie finished. And she spent a lot of the time chatting. She was one of the few people who didn't just treat George like an object. George wished that she could always do his makeup, but she cold only do it when George was at home. And George spent a lot of time in different cities, at concerts. 

"What is that thing?" Asked Mollie, pointing to the metal device.

"It's ummm- like a medical device." Said George quickly.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" Asked Mollie as she was finishing.

"Yeah." Said George. "I'm fine. I'm always fine."

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