Family Portrait

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Hello dear readers~
Or may I say my little humans? You guys are humans, right?.....

Well anyways! I was listening to this song called by Family Portrait by Pink while reading a Shizaya fanfic and I was like, I should make make a fanfic with this song!

So here I am, hope you guys enjoy this. Before I start with the story, let meh do a disclaimer!

I do not own any characters that are included in Durara! This may contain abusive activities and maybe self harm, if you don't feel comfortable with that, I'm not forcing you or anyone to read this!
That's all!

This is going to start off with Izaya point of view as a kid!

Izaya P.O.V

"You bitch! I knew I shouldn't had married you, you little whore!" It was late and screams were heard. Glass bottles were thrown and shattered, insults were yelled at each other, and cries went silent.

Well, mine did at least. My baby twin sisters were loud enough to had me not focus on my parents argument, ignoring my mom's hiccuping through the door as I hushed my sisters, trying to assure them that things are alright them, wondering when will this hell pass.

Time passed and the front door finally slammed shut, sobs from my mother soon slowly stopped.

After making sure my sisters' slept peacefully, I went to comfort my mother.

"He didn't meant to say those things" I hugged her, which she simply returned. "He's just blinded by anger."

"...I know. I just need some fresh air as well as your father. I'm going out, so take care of yourself and your sisters." I smiled and nod. She stood up and went to do her makeup. She practiced doing a smile and a laugh before looking at me.

"Don't tell anyone what happens in here because-"

"Whatever happens here stays as a secret." I finished for her. She gave me a sad smile before kissing me goodbye.

I picked up the glass on the floor and cleaned the house as much as I can.

"Ouch!" I stopped and and stared at my finger, blood dripping down my finger to the floor. I sighed, frustrated with cleaning. Giving up, my eyes wander to a portrait. A certain one that always make me feel bitter, wishing and wondering why we can't be like that again.

My dad had his hand on my shoulder as if he was proud of me (can he ever be proud of me again?), the other one was on my mom's waist. Mom was carrying both of the newborn twins on each arm. All of us were smiling widely, even the two newborns seem like they were too.


The single word came up in my head. We looked so...happy, unbroken. A perfect looking family.

"Fuck!" I heard the single cuss and turned to see an intoxicated man, my father. I ran to his side, worried if he got hurt.

"Dad! Are you alr-" I was interrupted by a slap landing on my face.

"Shut up!" He shouted at me. I stared at him shocked, unsure what to do.

He's drunk, so he doesn't mean to do this, right? He doesn't know what he's doing. That's right, he doesn't know.

But then again, what does he know then?

Timeskip to when he's in high school~~°ω°~~

No one's P.O.V

"I-za-ya!" A blonde, who goes with the name Shizuo, threw a punch towards Izaya, who, of course successful, dodged gracefully.

"Shizu-chan~ you gotta do better than that!" Izaya ran away with Shizuo following.

"I ain't going to have you escape this time!" Shizuo shouted, determined to catch up with his rival.

After countless of turns, it seem Izaya lost him.

"What happened to not letting me escape~" Izaya sighed, with a hint of a smug in his tone. He was now on the school's rooftop, the view of his home was in a distance. Soon the reminder that he will have to go back home hit him, he almost forgot that he has to go back to that hellish place. Times at school, especially during the chases or encounters with Shizuo, always helped him forget.

He wished he could run away, but then again, what about his sisters? They'll fall into the victim role if he leaves now.

He sighed to himself.

"Iz-wha.... Are you crying?!" Shizuo stared at Izaya in shock, panting from running around the school to find the flea. Izaya didn't even noticed his eyes were watering, he didn't even knew he could still cry...

"N-no. There's some dust in my eyes..." Izaya pull out his switchblade out of his pocket and points the blade at Shizuo, rubbing his eyes with his free arms.

"Oi, flea...are you alright?" Shizuo wasn't sure what to do, seeing his rival in this state.

"Mmm? I told ya it's the dust. Is Shizu-chan worried?" Izaya said with the high pitched voiced he knew annoys the heck of the blonde. After seeing how annoyed the monster is, he started running after giving Shizuo a smirk.

"You damn flea, of course not!" Shizuo followed not too soon behind, forgetting about the flea crying already.

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