Tracking... Erm, I Mean Trailing

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Author P.O.V

The two man were walking wandering around, not expecting a certain person arrival.....

A man with a white coat got off the train, heading to the direction of the store of Izaya's mother.

Izayas' Mom's (Kyouko)P.O.V

I was just snuggling next to my lover. Oh, how much I love that word! Now if only Izaya is the same....

"Excuse me." I tilted my head to see a young man with a brunette hair and a white lab coat, looking a bit uncomfortable.

I blushed slightly when I thought about the position I'm in with my lover. I dared to glance at my Shirou, seeing him have his own little blush.... Well, little is an absurd word, it was definitely looked like he had a bad fever. I slightly smirk before smiling at the man.

"Yes sir? If it's about this store, we're closing it for the rest of the day for decorations and such." I smiled politely, wondering how he couldn't see the 'close sign on the front door.... Unless I forgot to put it up again.

"Well... You see, I'm a friend of Izaya Orihara, Shinra, and I'm in need of..." He trailed off, looking a bit nervous.

My face quickly became serious, as well as my lover. Yep, when it comes to our kids, we don't joke around. Even with Izaya, though Shirou never met him, he still loves him as his own son (well, they are are father and son in blood wise).

"What about Izaya? Is something wrong?" I asked, slightly panicking.

"N-no! Just-um- you-erm." He took in a deep breathe of air before saying whatever is on his mind. "I need to take pictures of him and Shizuo having tons of 'moments', so I was hoping you know where he possibly could be at!"

Shirou P.O.V

I froze, who's this Shizuo person? And why is Kyouko grinning ear to ear. I took a deep breathe before staring the man in the eye.

"I'm sorry, at the moment we have no idea where he possibly could be a-"

"I could track him." Kyouko stated, making me and the man stare at her in disbelief.

"Track?" I questioned.

"Once he came her early in the morning, I placed a tracking chip in his phone while he didn't pay attention due to the blonde." She chuckled lightly, as if it was the funniest thing ever.

So this Shizuo person is a blonde? Wait, that's something I should think.

"Kyouko, that could be consider as a crime." I scold her, sighing after she had teary eyes and pet her head. "Just don't do that other than the kids, okay?"

"Okay~" She answered before getting up.

"Where you going?" I asked. What crazy plan is forming in her head this time.

"We're going to help Shinra with the pictures, what else silly~?" She giggled.

Of course.

I look at the Shinra guy, right into the eyes. "Just give her a moment to get her ready."

"Umm, okay." The young man smiled weakly at me.

"How did you know to come here anyways?" I asked him, keeping my face neutral.

"W-well, I asked Izaya's sisters if they know where Izaya could be at and they told me that they've received a call from their mother that he was her. They gave me the address to this place." The Shinra guy informed me, a look of discomfort.

"So you're a friend of Izaya. How did you guys met?"

"It was at middle school, I asked him if he could help fund the biology club. That's the first time I talked to him. Things happened and we became friends, best friends if you think about it."

"What about Shizuo? How is she like?" I asked, wondering why he looked a nervous now.

"Um.... Shizuo is a guy."

"Is that so? Sorry, my mistake. How is he like?" I asked. What? I don't care if my son is gay or not, whatever happens, he's still my son. Even if I've never really seen him up close in person, the fact is still there.

"Shizuo... Well, he and Izaya don't exactly have the best past with each other so they fight often with each other. He also have super strong strength, which is why Izaya likes to bother him often."

"About these 'moments', does that mean they have feelings toward each other or is it just one-sided?" I asked, slightly confuse. How exactly does he expect these 'moments' if they hate each other?

"I have no idea. I'm just trusting Aurora in this and obeying her." Shinra shrugged.

Before I could asked anything, Kyouko came back with a camera in her hand.

"Let's go!"


Hello meh little humans!

I just want to let you all know that....... You know what? I have no idea what to say.

I usually have something to add in the small 'author notes' but I actually have nothing to say...

I'll just warn you that there will be fluff in the next chapter and cuteness that could possibly kill all the fangirls and fanboys~

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