A Year Later

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Author's P.O.V

It been a year since that day between Izaya and Shizuo. They both pretend that it never had happened, they resume the chases and Shizuo trying to kick Izaya out of Ikebukuro.

Ever since leaving the flea, Shizuo was secretly worried how he would be doing when he isn't around him to annoy him. Why? He doesn't know...yet.

Izaya in the other hand, has been dealing with depression. He was able to tell Shinra about and were given some pills that are suppose to help him deal with it. When Shinra asked him why he felt depressed, he just answer with a 'I don't know' or stay quiet. He acts as if it's no big deal and it'll fade over some time, but deep down he knows it won't be that simple.

It been at least three month since Shizuo and Izaya last time fought. Why? The answer is simply, they haven't seen each other, Izaya suddenly stopped coming to Ikebukuro.

You may ask why, but I think it's best for you to wait and see....

Shizuo's P.O.V

"Can you please check on Izaya." Shinra asked me, looking dead serious. He called me over for an 'urgent' issue.

"Why do I have to?" I glared at him. He better have a good reason cause I won't be leaving to the flea's place otherwise.

"Cause you know where it is, you've been there once. Haven't you?" Shinra smiled. How did he know?

"His assistant once told me you used Izaya's phone to called her, which I was a bit shocked to hear, to be truthful. Celty and Erica did once told me there was a possibility but I would never had gue-"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it is. I get it, I'll be taking my leave. Just have those two to shut it on whatever they were telling you." And just like that, I left.

While I was on my way to the flea's place, my mind wander to the flea.

Why haven't the flea been around? He usually come to Ikebukuro about once a week. Is he alright? What have been he doing during these three months?

All these questions kept keeping me busy that I didn't even noticed I arrived to my destination.

"Flea? It's Shizuo, I was asked to check on you. So... Are you alive?" I waited for a reply and after some time without one, I broke the door down.

"Oi, flea?! Stop wasting my time and just answer me!" I yelled, quickly fixing the door before proceeding to the living room. I found nothing except a small pile of beer cans.

I searched in all the rooms except one, the bathroom. I slowly enter it, feeling as if I should expect for the worse. I found the flea passed out on the floor. He looked paler than usual and had dark bags under his eyes. He strongly smell like alcohol and have a pain looked on his face as he 'sleep'.

What the hell have the flea been doing to make him like this. Or what made him like this?

I pick him up and head to his bedroom, carefully laying him on his bed. At least he's breathing, I guess.

"Nnng." I turn to look at Izaya to noticed he was waking up.

"Eh, why is Shizu-chan~ here?" Izaya said as he got up. However when he did, he cringe a bit.
"Owwi~ my head feels like it's going to explode."

'That's what you get for drinking too much. I mean, how could you stand the taste of this disgusting thing?" I said while smirking at him, enjoying the sight of the flea in pain (A/N: such a sadist). Or so till he literally looks like he could cry any second, my heart felt as if it broke a little.

Damn, why do I have to be around him every time he gets wasted. Why does he have this effect on me? I hate the author! (A/N: and I hate you for breaking the fourth wall!)

"Is something the matter Shizuo?" I froze as the flea stare up to me. Did he just- did the flea just-? Did Izaya just called me by my first name? Not the annoying name he always called me?

"Flea, I think you should laid down. I'm going to call Shinra and tell him you're still alive." I slowly say to him.

"S-stop calling me that!" He said as he looks like he was on the brick of having a break down.

"What? Flea?" I asked, a little amused again with how he's acting. He nod his head, before stopping short and complaining about his headache again.

"Ok...Izaya, laid down till I come back. I'm going to give a call and check if there's some pain killers for that headache." I didn't wait to his answer, I just left. I do not want to stay with the drunk flea.

Shinra P.O.V

I answered my phone after the second ring.

"Shinra? This is Shizuo and I found the flea. He's wasted and annoying me!" I flinched a bit when he yelled but wasted no time to answer back.

"That's great news, or at least the part you found him alive. Is he acting... Ok?" How do I tell him if Izaya have any depressing thoughts without telling about the pills he takes.

"Ok?! I told you, he's wasted. He's more emotional and cries just because I called him a flea."

"Well, you got to admit, calling someone a flea can hurt someone feelings."

"Are you siding with the flea?!"

"What? No, I'm just saying. But getting back to topic, can you stay with Izaya till he's sober enough to tell him I need to see him?"

"Why should I?" I was hoping he wouldn't ask for an explanation.

"Cause, Erica was planning to write something called an one-shot between you and Izaya. It seem to contain something that involves with lemon, which Celty told me it isn't something appropriate. I can stop her someway if you do me this favor."

".....ok, just do it." Yes! He agreed!

"Thanks, I'll be right on it!" I hang up right away. Celty just walked into the room.

Right on time.

"Celty, how can you stop Erica from doing her one-shot with Izaya and Shizuo?" I asked, waiting fir her to finish typing.

'Give her something better.'

Huh? What does that mean?


Hello my little humans~

How you been doing? I have internet here but I don't to spend too much time here cause this is considered as a small 'vacation'. But I got bored time to time and put this together and decided to be nice and update.

Tell me how you guys think about this so far. Do I need some humor, to lighten the mood in this story or something? Tell anything!

Do you think I could do something to improve this story?......Like have Izaya kiss a certain someone while drunk... >;)

Izaya: what are you spouting about now?

Nothing to your concern!

Izaya: ...*stares at me suspiciously*

It's nothing, just go and eat some tuna!

Izaya: I already ate.

Shizuo: how dare you show up here fl- why is the annoying author here?

Izaya: cause she wants to annoy the readers with stupid saying to then

Ouch, I'm right here.

Both: exactly *leaves*

-_- I shall have my revenge *evil thoughts go through my head*

See you guys later. Bye bye!

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