Extra Chapter: Lock In Part 1

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This is one is dictated to anime2015 for accepting to me my manger. Also just a small shout out to her and her new book. Check it out, the name is Little Sister and is a Durarara fanfic.

Now on to this special chappie~! Enjoy meh little humans~

Anger. Yes, that's what the two are feeling at the moment. Not at each other, but for the one who put them in the situation. The difference between the two of their anger is how they masked. One just smirked and masked the flaming red anger, the other openly showing how piss off he was while muttering kill. Yes, you guess it.... Aurora will die if both or one of them gets their hand on her. Who's 'them', you may ask. Well Izaya and Shizuo of course!

Before asking why are they locked in a room, Aurora was doing what's known as a 'favor'. She wanted to give the dear readers a little.... harmless fanservice~ Of course, both won't comprehend to her or the readers wish. So she did the most logical thing she can think off.... Lock them in a room together and won't have them out till they do at least something!

You may also be asking, 'why isn't Shizuo break down the door then?' Well, that's due to the fact Aurora took extra measures to get things here way~ The door can't break, the walls can't collapse, and the bed that sits in the middle in the room is made to be stomped on heavily on an elephant.

Now here are the two, locked in the same room. Only way out if they do something that will catch your attention~!

"Well~ I don't have tons of time in my hands like you, so let's make this quick!" Izaya finally spoke after figuring there's actually no way out of his and the monster's fate.

Shizuo stopped with his chant of 'kill kill kill', looking at the flea as if just growth two heads.

"Nuh-uh, I'm not doing that with you!" Shizuo growled as the raven-haired man approached him.

"I'm not talking about that~! She said fanservice, which indicate in variety ways." Izaya said a know-it-all tone. "For example..."

Izaya stood on his toes to kiss the blonde on the cheek before quickly taking a step back to take in the reaction of the blonde. Which was indeed amusing. First was dumbfound, he gawk at the young man before him with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open to close it and opening it. Then was embarrassment, cheeks tainted in red and lips securely shut tight in a small line. Finally anger, he took a deep breath in and let out a string of cusses as his hand search for a cancer stick to calm himself.

"Fanservice levels: Weak" was suddenly said in a robot tone.

"Seems like she's motoring our readers and the level of fanservice..." Muttered Izaya before looking at Shizuo with such serious eyes. "Quickly, kiss me."

"No." Deadpan Shizuo, taking a drag of the cigarette.

"Come on~! It's just a simple kiss, plus it might be our only way out!" Izaya whined.

Shizuo knew that he was right, so without any hesitation he placed his cigarette between his fingers and quickly kiss Izaya full on the lips.

"Fanservice levels: Weak"

"Damn it, that wasn't enough!" Shizuo complained to himself, now angrier at the one who putted them in this situation.

Izaya, slightly upset his plan backfired, looked once again around the room when a small closet caught his interest now....


As for this extra chappie, they must give fan service. Sadly no smut is allow since I'm planning to write that in the story and I feel like I would be spoiling you too much~! So no smut, lemon, sexy times, none of that what so ever! At least for now~

Also I got news, will tell on the following author note~!

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