Fangirling mode on~! (lol im a tease)

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*Smiles* I'm bacccckkkkkk *waves and disappears* 

Shizuo: O.o DA FUDGE?

Izaya: 0-0 .....


No one's P.O.V

"Look, just tell all of them that I can not come or attend their needs yet. There's something high classify information I'm gaining and in the middle of researching." Shizuo was kinda amused with how Izaya hang up once Namie was about to begin nagging him, he would kinda expect Izaya to taunt her for nagging or such.

"Stop looking at me like that," Izaya puffed his cheeks out before jumping on the bed.

"Like what?"

"Like as if you haven't seen a mature phone call by a mature person."

Shizuo raised a brow, eyeing the man before him. "So hanging up on your employee before they voice out their opinion is mature?"

"I ain't in the mood to nagged by her. Seriously, I'm 21! She needs to take a chill pill." Izaya said before he buried himself under the covers. "Plus, she doesn't have the right to nag me like I'm some kid. I'm her boss after all."

Shizuo rolled his eyes before sitting on the edge of the bed, driving his hair with the towel in his hand. "I'm surprise she hasn't quit or tried to kill you."

"Zhe haz." Even though Izaya's voice was muffled against the pillow and blankets, Shizuo still caught on what he said.

" She tried to quit?"

"Nope," Izaya popped his 'p' as his head shot out of the blanket and pillow to look at Shizuo. "She's too greedy for that. She tried killing me though, she kinda sucks at her attempts since i'm still here healthy and all."

Shizuo let silence fell upon them as he search for something in Izaya's facial expression that he was kidding. He wasn't. "So you hire anyone who's willing to kill any moment?"

Izaya smirked at Shizuo. "That's not true, I didn't hire you."

And in reply to that, Shizuo threw his towel at Izaya.


A man steps off the train, he glared as a group of kids ran past him. He weared dark sunglasses, the aura around him gave the people around a chill down their back and had them avoiding any physical contact, he weared a dark coat and walked with confidence.

"Excuse me, sir." The man twirled around to face small little girl, she held up a wallet up enough for him to see. "You drop this."

He glared at her but took it with a 'thanks' before resuming walking, The girl was about to say something else, but a boy, her brother presumably, made a grab and drag her away. As she was dragged away, she noticed something silver and shiny in the pocket of the man...

Back to the Shizaya Pair~~~

Izaya was pinned by Shizuo, panting hard and tried to catch his breath. Both of their face's were flustered and red due to exhaustion with the fighting they had.

"Shizuo!!!! Let me go!" Izaya whined as he tried wriggle himself free.

"Just fucking confess and I'll let go." Shizuo smirked, enjoying seeing Izaya squirm and helpless, totally at his meric.

"Fine, I was the one who ate your pudding! Now let go, you jerk!" And Shizuo did, he let Izaya free. (A/N: Sadly this chapter doesn't have smut..... XD I'm such a tease~!)

If you were here and put your focus on them a little earlier, you would had know they were fighting due to a 'sudden' disappearance of Shizuo's pudding. Was it really Izaya fault to eat the tempting junk when Shizuo left it out in plain sight? Yes, Shizuo would replied without hesitation.

Since Izaya is a 'stubborn little shit' (quoted by Shizuo), he refused to tell the truth and ended up having to argue with Shizuo that he was being childish for blaming him when 'he could had ate it and wouldn't noticed, with the small storage for memory won't surprise anyone' (quoted by Izaya). So they ended up running around in the small room, making a huge mess. Izaya tripped and fell on the bed, Shizuo saw the opportunity and pinned him down. Which all leads to to what you've just read.

Now Izaya is mumbling his insults as Shizuo is feeling victorious, with both the fact that Izaya fessed up and that he actually caught him for once.



dont ask why, i just really do. It's been a while since i was happy for no reason, but i'm finally am. 8D

but have bad news, only few more chapters then we're done. Yep.... =/  Imma say like about one to three chapters after the festival. But good news, smut gonna happen soon~!

Kay, leaving now *disappears*

Shizuo: Seriously, what the heck!?

Izaya: *Shakes head* Dont question, I thought you would had known by now

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