The Day isn't Over Yet!

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Izaya's P.O.V
"Where the fuck is your mother!?" My dad shouted at my ear.

"S-she's at work." I winced at his loudness. He stared at me before he started smirking.

"I guess we can play a game while we wait for her." Before I could say anything, he roughly grabbed my arm and drag me to my room.

"You must stay quiet or I'll make everyone's life a living hell." He whispered in my ear, as he lit a cigarette. I backed away into a corner as he took a puff, I already had a good idea what he's planning. Good thing I sent my sisters to stay at a friend's house for a couple of days.

"D-dad?" I whispered, hoping he would stop walking forward. Sadly he didn't, he continued till he could yank my arm and spin me around. He took off my shirt and pin my arms on top of my head.

"Remember to bite your tongue." With that said, he slowly pressed the lite cigarette side onto my shoulder. I gasped at the pain, but soon was biting on my lips hard. Determine to stay quiet....
End of the dream/flashback~~~

I open my eyes to noticed I'm at my bed. Just a dream? Was everything that happened with Shizuo just part of a weird dream I'm having as well?

I turn on my side and froze. Right beside me was a peaceful blond ex-bartender. Wait... So everything in my 'dream' was real? The part when I was younger was also just a flashback when I was young, too... I blame this on the author...(A/N:please don't blame me or break the fourth wall, Izaya).

"Mmmm?" I saw the blonde's eyes flutter open. Not wanting to talk to him anymore about my past, I quickly scattered to my living room.

I went to my laptop and check if anyone was log on to do some chatting. Sadly no one is,so I decided to eat something.

What should I eat? Probably some tuna sandwiches.

"Izaya?" I turned to find Shizuo with an unsure expression.

"Yes Shizu-chan?" I turn my back on him to resume making my tuna sandwich.

"....give me a glass of milk."

"And why should I do that?" I was a bit angry with myself for letting Shizuo finding out a deep secret I promised myself to keep. Hopefully he won't use this new knowledge to his advantage...

"Cause I stayed here over the night, had your stupid tears on my shirt, I'm hungry, and-"

Ring, ring, ring!

I silently thank my phone to interrupt him and answer it, back to Shizuo so he can't eavesdrop.

"It's me, brat." Those three words made me stiff for a millisecond, but I quickly relaxed when I remember I'm not alone in the room.

"How are you? It been some time, hasn't it?" I casually asked.

"Who cares, I just want to say that I won't be able to keep this up cause of certain stuff." Is it possible this hellish nightmare is about to end?
"So I want to do one last 'family gathering', and it sure will be a big one."

Knowing the way he said, there is a chance that he'll make it possible to the point where I can't walk for some time. But least it'll be the end! "Sure thing, just tell me when and I'll be there"

"As soon as you can." And he hang up.

"Who was is it, flea?"

Shizuo P.O.V

I couldn't help but feel anxious while he answered the call. I thought I saw him tense up, but I guessed I was wrong. In fact he was either relax or happy about something. After the caller hang up and Izaya stared at his phone with a smile, I asked him who it was.

"One of my lovely humans!" Even though he was using his annoying high pitched voice, I noticed something was off. What was it.... (A/N: just hurry up and notice it, baka!)

Probably it's just because I know something deep about him that makes me feel like this. (A/N: baka!)

"Well Shizu-chan~ I have somewhere to go right now so please leave." Before I could say anything he went back to his bathroom. After hearing the water running, I left.

....It's the afternoon, I guess I didn't spent my day off for nothing. The day isn't over yet.


You humans are gonna hate me in the next few chapters, but no matter what I will continue loving you!

....there may be some delays before updating but don't worry. I'll try my best to hurry up just for my humans (sorry if I offended anyone thy ain't human).

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