Nightmare of Past and Present

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*imagine a dark room with a single spotlight. The one in the spotlight is someone wearing a Dark Vader costume*

Hello *breathing sound* little humans~ *starts coughing crazily*

*takes off helmet* I can't breath! How does Dark Vader does it!?

Well, my little humans~
Please read the author note in the end. Thanks and lets start with this chapter!

Izaya Dream (more like nightmare/flashback)

"I give up!" My mother shouted at my father.

"What's that suppose to mean!?" My father shouted back. It's not he doesn't know what she meant, I mean, I know what she's trying to say. He just want another reason to hit her.

"Don't you dare to play fucking dumb, I have enough with your shit." I froze when I heard her cuss. My mother was a fragile and sweet woman who married a monster.

Now she's not the woman I once knew when I was young, one who spoke softly and use caring words. This was the work of my demonic father.

"I'm leaving your ass here with the kids." She shouted. I glance at my father to see his reaction. Surprisingly he stood quietly, face blank while he stare at the corrupt woman he made.

"Okay, leave." He finally said, surprising me and my mother. All these years of torture and it was this easy to escape it?

"But don't think I won't kill you and your 'new' family one day." My father smirked, being a bastard he is.

The color of my mom's face left, making her look sickly pale. She was so close to escape this hell, so close. She doesn't care what will happen to her in the future, but she still care what happens to us.

Suddenly an idea came to my mind, a crazy and sick idea.

"I'll stay." I spoke up for the first time. They both look at me in shock, mainly my mother. My father soon smirk at me and walk to me.

"What was that?" He asked in false caring and sweet tone.
"Can you speak up? Your pops can't hear you."

"I said, I'll stay here and mom can take the twins. Just don't hurt them later on the future." I calmly said, not flinching when a fist made it's way to me. I crashed to the floor, trying to not show how much in pain I'm in.

"What the hell you're doing!" Shrieks my mother as she watch in horror. My father ignored her and walk my way.

I glanced at my mom,she was close to a break down.

"Go!" I shouted at her, ignoring her pain face and tears that are streaming down. She took a second before going to her room. There I know she had secretly packed her and the twins luggage, as well as my. I guess they are the only who can escape.

She soon came back, staring at me and my father. I can see it in her eyes that this is killing her.

As my father lift me up by the collar if my shirt, I stare straight at my mother's eyes.

"Bye." I whispered. New tears streamed down, yet she worded three words before leaving. Three words that made me smile.

"I love you."

I guess he didn't totally corrupted, she still is caring and fragile in her motherly way.

This may be the suckish way to start my summer, but at least she escaped this hell.
End of dream (nightmare/flashback)

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