Truth of the father

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You humans are going to either hate me, Izaya's family(mainly sorry for excuse of a father), and/or many others. But.... Ummm, I ran out excuses so let me live?

Well, I am the author of this so it's better to keep me alive~
*puts hands up* I mean-have some cookies! Now put away your weapons and continue reading.

Izaya's Mom

I fiddled around with a piece of string as I wait for Izaya to come. Today is the day I'm gonna tell him, tell him the truth of his father.

Normally I would freak out this decision and end up never telling him, but this time is different. I actually gave him a sacrifice (even though I didn't really plan to give him the Blonde from before...) so there's a possibility of things going well.

Oh I swear to the life of the twisted man that if things don't go well, I will personally kill hi-

"Mom? Are you... Trying to kill a muffin?" I jumped lightly at Izaya's voice, looking down at over killed blueberry muffin. Poor muffin...

"I was um, testing out my strength?" It cane out more like a question, but I guess who cares as long as he doesn't question it...

"I don't think you test your strength by killing a muffin." He calmly said. See!? How can he not be dating? I mean, most will be a bit concerned about the muffin (or my mental health?) but he decided to not be concerned and add a bit humor!

My handsome and funny son. Maybe if my plan doesn't work with the blonde... I guess I can have them drunk....

"Erm, mom. You're freaking me out." Izaya whispered as a dark and planning aura seep out from me.

"Izaya tell me about the friend of yours." I smiled innocently as I tried to control the unwanted aura. No need to scare my son off, right?

"Oh, you mean Shizuo? He's not a friend. We're more like enemies. He hates my guts." Lies, I remembered the look the man had as he gazed at my son and how they slept comfortably with each other in the same bed last night. But I guess I should start telling him about that.

"Anyways Izaya... I want to talk about you something." I said, him looking slightly more aware. I mean, I rarely get serious unless it's about my mothering, cooking, or how my babies aren't getting the love life they deserve.

But now, all three topics have nothing to do this one and forbidden topic....

Izaya P.O.V

This morning seems to be heading to the worst of the turns.

First that weird and awful (A/N: though we all know we enjoyed it a bit) dream. Then my mom is found as a murderer of killing a muffin. Following the weird aura she had that's making me suspicious. And now she's being serious.

My mom took a deep breathe of air, staring ate straight into my eyes."Your father isn't your birth father."

Meanwhile Shizuo P.O.V

I woke up with no flea in sight, I guess he went to the half cafe and half bakery from earlier. Who was that lady? She sure in hell surprised me.

I looked around the room, slightly bored. I guess I'll go around town for sight seeing and explore. Nothing better to do.

Author P.O.V

Shizuo, not having the slightest clue that the beginning of a new challenge is arising, go and leave the hotel and began sight seeing...

Meanwhile, Izaya finds out a hidden secret from his mother!

"I was always planning to tell you when you were old enough, but I never thought it was the right time to do so." Izaya's mother started off as Izaya stared at her in disbelief. "My family arranged the marriage, but I refuse due to mr believing that marriage must contain love and happiness."

"They thought it was just a phrase of me rebelling, so they didn't thought they have any reason to worry. Then I met your father, real father, and fell in love. Next thing you know it, I'm blessed with a child and was 1 month pregnant."

"When I told family, they didn't took it lightly. Instead I was forced to marry the man they had picked for me right away. They didn't told him about me being pregnant though, so he thought he was the father."

"When he noticed that you hold no blood connections to him, he wanted to divorce. But both family was stubborn and told him to deal with it. That soon lead him to argue and fight with me about the situation."

"As few years past soon, I found your birth father again when he started working along me in office. Then... Lets just say our friends invited us for drinks and we ended up in a hotel. And the magic man appeared and I was pregnant with twins!"

"Soon after the birth, the guilt was unbearable and I told him the twins aren't his as well... That when he also came to bis abusive ways as well. The only reason why I let it out of hand is because I thought it was my fault. I did cheated and lied, and for that I felt like I needed to be punish. But I never intended it go as well where he continued to do so  for a long timeand torture you."

"But before I knew it, he had me cowering in fear. I was too afraid to make a move... Until the man I once and still love found out and offered for a restart for us. I gladly took it, but then.... That's where we also parted way..." She teared up slightly as she stare at Izaya.

Thoughts of all sort went wild in his mind. All yelling at him to do something. And something he did. He ran. He ran as fast as he could to the hotel, leaving the mother heartbroken and have tears.

Thinking she had done a terrible sin for keeping this a secret for so long. For lying to her first child for the entire 23 years.

But Izaya is actually glad that the bastard is not his father.the thought of them sharing the same blood sicken him. The reason why he ran because when he thought everything was finally went back to normal, his father still haunts him.

The thought of that with his father seem was awful, but now after his mind being sympathetic, he thought he could forget about it. But at the sudden mention and the revealed of he truth, his father haunts him in his mind....

Izaya's P.O.V

I didn't stop running til I was inside the hotel room that I'm currently sharing. No sight of the monster anywhere, good.

I don't know what exactly I was planning, but I enter the bathroom and lock the door. Turning the shower on and pulling out my switch bladeoit of my pocket.

'Ah, I see. I'm about to do something stupid, ain't I?' I thought to myself as I expose my left arm bare against the chilling mental. Not pushing it hard enough to have blood drawn.

Before I can even do the deed, I heard a slamming of the door form the hallway. " Oi flea, you taking a shower!?"

I froze before setting my blade at the sink and sat on the toilet, head in hands. What the hell I've been thinking!? Wait, I wasn't thinking, I was just doing....

Now that I think about it, Shizuo did mention that he was doing Shinra a favor for following me.... And he told me that Shinra needed to see me. Did Shinra suspect that this might happen?

"Flea? You didn't drown did you?"

"Oh, don't worry bout me
Shizu-Chan~" I replied as I enter the shower. No need to over think things for now.


Um, yea. He's safe.... For now. So close but I thought this might ruin my plans~

So he's safe from harm, but remember, I said for now~

Oh, how I do enjoy this!

Also I have bad news. Once school start, I won't be able to focus on any of my fanfics because my mom always expect the best of me it. Not kidding.

But I will still update! It'll just take more time than I usually do. Sorry and hope you wish me luck in the beginning of my high school adventures! (And yes, I'll become a freshmen officially. So this is my first taste of high school life! Hope I don't die..)

Okay my little humans~
That's all.

Bye bye!

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