The Drunk Flea

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Shizuo P.O.V

"He pisses me off!" I shouted at Shinra, stating it more than ten times already. "I mean, how the hell he got that way. He came from a perfect loving family, yet he comes out like hell. I mean, is it too much to ask for me to live in a world without the flea and peacefully?!"

"Well, we got to remember that his parents divorced after his first year of high school and didn't come to school till the second semester of his second year." Shinra replied back to me.

"That's a load of crap. Many kids who had their parents divorced don't turn into annoying fleas. Plus, he was already one before that happened too!"

"Well, we may never find out why he acts the way he is unless...."

"Unless?" I got interested to hear the one way to find out why the flea is so annoying.

"Well, if he drinks till he's drunk he may open up what's on his mind."

"And how am I going to do that?" I asked, willing to do whatever.

"Ummm.... I'm not sure how."

"What's the point of suggesting something that I can't do! It's not like I can ask him out for a drink!" I threw my hands in the air, shouting at the underground doctor. After doing so, I said my goodnight and left.

It wasn't long till I smelled a disgusting stench.... The damn flea. Suddenly having a need to punch someone, I followed the smell. It wasn't long till I see the flea crouching on the floor of a dark alley.

"I-ZA-YA!" I shouted, ready to aim a stop sign post that I brought with me along the way to hit him.

"Shut up!" He hissed at me. I stared at him in shock. Did he really had the guts to tell me shut up?! I was about say something till I noticed something off about him. His horrible stench was combined with alcohol. Is he drunk?

Yes!!! He is! Now I can find out why he's a completely screw up! "Izaya, why are you so damn annoying?!" I shouted, a bit too honest maybe. He winced at my loudness, but soon started laughing.

"You said the same thing he once told me!" He laughed till he was gasping for air, making me confused. Someone else called him annoying? Who? Then again, many people had called him that before. Maybe I should go with a different approach....

"You have such a loving family, right?" If I point out the postive things of his life, maybe he'll say something like he doesn't want a perfect family. But no, what he said was something I never thought he would say.

"Yea, if getting abuse is a way to show his love and how much he cared." As if saying that wasn't shocking enough, he started crying while staring in a distance.

"Abuse? What do you mean?" He stared at me before smiling.

"Hush, you can't tell anyone or the perfect family will shatter forever." He had his finger on his lips and face close to my.

"What th-" before I could continue, he collapsed ontop of me. I wasn't sure what to do. I can leave him here and forget what he said. I mean, he's drunk and doesn't know what he's saying. Or I can take him at his place and wait for him to wake up when he's sober enough for the details. Do I really want to know?

This may be the answer to my question on why the the flea is annoying and a physicopath.

After thinking for a bit of how much I would regret this decision, I picked up the flea. In a instance, he quickly snuggle up to me.

"What the- don't do that! Oi, flea? Are you listening?" I felt my face heated up as I got stares from people. Who won't? The strongest man in Ikebukuro is carrying and being snuggled by his sworn enemy. Not wanting to be stare at too long, I started running with Izaya in my arms to I stopped in an empty street to noticed that I don't even know where he lives! There's no way in hell I'll take him to my place! Where else can I tak-

"Why you stop?" I noticed the drunk flea awoken, clinging on my shirt.

"I don't know where you live!" I shouted, letting out my frustration. He squirmed till I finally put him down. He grabbed my hand and start walking, stumbling and dragging me a bit.

"Where the heck are we going?"

"To my house." He simply responsed.

"Just tell me the address of your place, I'll get us there faster!" I yelled, not sure why he would walk me there. I mean, I am the guy that has been trying to kill since we met (but then, he's drunk so...). He quickly let go of my hand and stared at me.

"And be treated as an useless burden." He growled angrily, grabbing out his switchblade. "Not a freaken chance."

Normally I would charged at him and try to beat him up, but I didn't. Two reasons on why I didn't: one, I would easily kill him and wouldn't have the answers to my questions and two, he's holding his switchblade the wrong way. He's gripping the blade tightly, blood staining it.

"Oi, flea! Look at your hand." He seem confused but did it anyways. Seeing the red blood, he was suddenly entranced by it. Taking it to my advantage, I took the switchblade away and carried him. Surprisingly he let me do so and whispered me his address.

~Time skip~~

After entering his house (which I got to admit, is pretty awesome), I set him on the couch. He tries to poke the red liquid on his hand, but I was quick to stop him. What is he, a kid?

While I went through his cabins for some disinfection and something to patch him up, he changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

"Don't you dare sleep flea, not till I treat your wound." I shouted. He mumbled something like 'don't tell me what to do'.

Finally finding what I need, I found him on the couch. And guess what?! He was sleeping!

"Oi, flea!" I said, irritated. About to commit murder, I froze and noticed how peaceful he look while sleeping. He looked almost...normal.

I sighed and start treating his wound, careful to not wake him up. Which was easy since he was most likely passed out due to alcohol.

You like? Hope so!
Can't wait for the next chappie! See you humans later!

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