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'Never mind about Shizuo, just ignore him till he leaves.'

My phone suddenly started ringing, making me jump slightly. I checked the caller I.D, smiling myself once I saw three letters.


"Hello, how may I help you?" I asked cheerful, smiling brightly.

"Um-I was wondering if you like to visit me later on. Seems like I need help in the shop, can you come?"

"Ah, that I can do. I'll be there tomorrow." I replied.

".... How are you lately?"

"I've seen better days. You?" I was so warped up with talking to my mom that I didn't noticed the present of the other man,

Shizuo P.O.V (after Izaya went to his room)

I guess I'll give Shinra a call and leave.


"Hey, it's Shizuo."

"Ah! Did Izaya get better?"

"Yea, but hear this. While he was drunk and I called you, he got a fever. Seriously, who the hell makes the plot more unreal?

(A/N:...I think it's real enough)

"I think it's the author."

" Anyways he said he'll see you later on the week."

"Why can't he come now?"

"I don't know, he just doesn't want to."

"Can you hand me him?"

"Sure, just wait." I walked into the flea's room (surprisingly the door wasn't lock).

"I've seen better days. You?" I froze as I slowly noticed Izaya was talking in the phone.

"Better not stress yourself, gray hair wouldn't suite you." Izaya laughed lightly, probably laughing the reaction of the one who he's talking to.

"Yea, I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow so see you later.... Love you too." As he hung up I quickly left the room, not wanting to be found eavesdropping.

I remembered that I still have Shinra on the phone, waiting for Izaya.

"Hey, Shinra. Are you still there?"
"...yes I am. Not to be rude but why am I still speaking to you?"

"Seems like the flea was talking with someone else on the phone. I overheard that he's going to be going somewhere to meet up with a dumb chick." I couldn't stop the word 'dumb' coming out, making it sound like I'm jealous or something.

Which is dumb because why would I be jealous over the flea because he said 'love you too' to his lover or whatever that girl may be to him.

".... Shizuo, can you please follow him and find out where he's going? ...As well making sure he doesn't do anything dumb." Shinra's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Anything dumb? What's that suppose to mean? Everything he does is dumb."

"Erm... But I want to know what type of girl he likes and if he'll treat this one just to see 'human's countless reactions'. Plus, he never had dated with anyone since after we graduated from high school." Actually... That is true. Now I'm a little curious.

"I guess it's ok, but just because you're working hard to stop Erica. Ok?" I'm just a little curious and doing Shinra a small favor, not because I want to. Yea, that's it....

"Yea yea. I'm going to have to say bye right, so bye. Oh, and don't let Izaya know you're following him. Not until you really have to."

After he hang up, I decided to head out of the flea's place to call Tom-san that I'm gonna need a few days off.

Shinra's P.O.V

I kinda panicked when he mentioned about Erica... I mean, that girl is hard to find out. What does she want to stop her fanfic of the two guys?!

But putting that matter aside, where is Izaya going? Seriously. He had depression for such some time and he acts as if it's something so minor. The bottle pills (antidepressant) that I gave him should been long gone two months ago.

Depression is a serious thing that can't just be solved by antidepressants to begin with first, but that was all I could do. He refused to talk about it longer than five minutes.

The last time I saw him left out of my door, I decided I should suggest him a therapist. Depression is best solved with either with a therapist or the antidepressant, or even both.

But I'm honestly worry now for Izaya.... Shizuo said he was wasted when he found him... As well a fever. Could that fever been cause by lack of sleep and food, as well as not taking proper care if his body?

His symptoms of of depression been showing more clearly now. Lack of sleep, lack of food, and use of alcohol. If they all are cause because of depression, then I wouldn't be surprised if he has any suicidal thoughts...

I would had been able to determine how deep in depression he is in but that meansme actually having him in front of me. Lets hope that Shizuo will stop him if comes any close to self harm....


Izaya: why did it took you so long?!

Shizuo: seriously, stop your laziness and update often!

Sorry, I just wasn't sure how to.... Make the story do a twist.

Izaya: huh?

>:) believe me, this may seem awful for now and later on in the future, but in the end will be sweet. Right now this chapter is like a small filler.

Shizuo: um, okay?

Also, depression is a serious thing and I will be talking more about it plus self harm. So if that triggers one, please don't force yourself.

I actually searched things up about depression, it's symptoms, and treatments. And this is my advice to those who suffer from it... No, let me rephrase.... To all those lost, yet beautiful souls. And all my opinion, all souls are beautiful~

You are worth it, worth to be loved, worth to be respected, worth to live. Things could seem best if you never excised but that's bull. That's not something you get to choose to say because that's your opinion. People are actually thankful for you in their own way for different reasons. You are not worthless, and those who say you are is actually negative people who will try to bring you down. If you let them do so, that means the terrible people will win and those ones with good hearts will become depressed and may hurt themselves. It's best to try and not have them drag you down. Talk to friends, family, adults, and if you must, strangers can surprisingly help you! Don't hold things in, cry onto a shoulder and voice out your problems. There is help that you could easily grasp if you'rd willing to ask for help and hold out your hand. And if you feel you don't have anyone to talk to, I'm here to talk!

Izaya:..... *walks away*

Shizuo: wheres the flea going?

Why dont you follow him?

Shizuo:..... I'm doing this cause you suggested! *leaves*

Sure~ ok, that's all I have to say, good bye my little humans!

Also, before I forget! I made a new fanfic! A hetalia fanfic that includes the following ships.


The book is called Sorry...(Gerita and spamano), read it if you want!

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