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"Get the fuck up now, bitch I've been trying to wake you up for way longer than should be necessary!"

Woyoung groans upon hearing his roommate's voice and he squeezes his eyes shut, rubbing his face into his pillow when the curtains in his room are yanked open. The sunlight is shining on him now, engulfing the room in a bright light. Too bright for his liking.

"5 more minutes...", he grumbles, his voice raspy and strained. All he wants is some peaceful sleep after a long night of playing video games and talking to his online friends. Sure, he could have gone to sleep sooner than three hours ago, but not when they were about to beat one of their highest records after months of trying to do so.

His best friend yanks off the blankets covering his exhausted body and he whines out once again, turning onto his back with the pillow still held firmly against his face.

"Nope, not with me. Get your sexy ass off that bed and get dressed. Class is starting in twenty minutes."

This time, he perks up, throwing the pillow at his way too tall friend and sitting up immediately.

"Yah! Jeong Yunho!", he calls out and slips out of bed, slapping Yunho's chest as he hurries past him to put on his clothes, which Yunho has already put out for him, "Twenty minutes?! You could have woken me up earlier!"

Yunho chuckles at that, shakes his head and reaches out his hand to ruffle through Wooyoung's hair.

"I technically don't have to wake you up at all. I just do it because I love you.", he says and gives Wooyoung a peck on the cheek before he plops down on Wooyoung's bed and watches him as he hurries to get himself ready.

Wooyoung barely makes it in five minutes, somehow managing to fix his hair a little, wash his face, brush his teeth and get dressed. Yunho gives him a soft bun to eat for breakfast on the way and the two friends leave their dorm room to quickly walk to class. Though that is mainly Yunho walking quick and Wooyoung somehow keeping up with his long strides.

Yunho is tall, handsome, incredibly sweet and loyal. And Yunho is his best friend ever since they have first met on the very first day of Wooyoung attending this university. He had walked into his class late, quickly taking the nearest empty seat, which happened to be the one right next to Yunho, who immediately introduced himself with the sweetest smile Wooyoung has ever seen anyone make. Very soon, they found themselves spending time together at all times and moved into the dorms together only three months after they first met. Luck was most definitely on their side though because there was only one room left that absolutely no one was occupying at the time.

They are now both in their second years though and still love each other as much as they did from the start. Yunho takes good care of Wooyoung, makes sure he survives and gets through uni life somehow. Wooyoung cooks and cleans in return, always making sure that Yunho eats at least one fresh, home cooked meal a day and is otherwise fed regularly too. It would happen very randomly that Wooyoung walks to one of the classes they do not share and drop something off for Yunho to eat.

Of course one might think the two are dating, but they are really just very close friends. In a way, Wooyoung feels like he is the reason why Yunho is still not in a relationship with anyone, knowing that he could literally choose whoever he wanted and everyone would be on their knees for him in a heartbeat. Yunho does not seem to care about anyone though. He looks after Wooyoung and spends any given moment with him, frequently rejecting love confessions from the ones that are actually brave enough to call him aside.

He is not innocent in any way though, just looks like he is, really. Wooyoung was actually surprised when he found out that his friend had regular hookups in what is probably the most random places around campus.

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