22 | feeling like I do

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San was left a blushing mess after Wooyoung made him film the process of pulling out and waiting for San's cum to drip out of him. So Wooyoung has that filthy video on his phone now, saved in the hidden media section in his gallery so he could look at it whenever he wants to while having fun by himself. Though he claims he just really felt like doing this today because of how clingy he has been feeling pretty much all day today.

It honestly makes San wonder if there is any more pictures or videos in that section of Wooyoung's picture gallery though. The thought of there being more videos like theirs saved in Wooyoung's phone, made with someone else, makes him feel a strange type of way he was not expecting to feel tonight. A very strangely negative type of way.

Though he decides to shove that feeling aside for now, quickly getting himself dressed to then help Wooyoung into his clothes as well. He helps him look less fucked out somehow, hoping it would seem to others more like he was just a bit drowsy from having had too much alcohol.

"Are you alright?", San asks him one last time as they stand in front of the door to the room, ready to leave and make their way outside together. His hands are on both sides of Wooyoung's face and he pecks him on the lips as soon as he hears him hum in response. "Ready to leave?"

"Yes!", Wooyoung says with the brightest, cutest smile, having San smile back at him instantly.

And then San turns invisible and Wooyoung opens the door, walking out like he has just been napping in one of the guest rooms all by himself. They had talked about how to best leave without possibly and awkwardly running into one of their friends and having to explain just why they came out of the same guest room together. So they decided to have only one of them officially walk back out of there.

Though they are still right next to each other as they exit, San trying his hardest to stay as close to Wooyoung as possible, none of their friends are actually in sight and they do not have anyone stopping them either. So they manage to leave the party without any issues and start walking into the direction of the dorm building.

As soon as Wooyoung has turned around the corner, leaving the party mansion behind and making sure they are out of sight, he feels a sudden grip on his hand. His eyes look at said hand and only a second or two later, he can see San's hand holding onto his own after he has turned visible again.

"No one noticed, right?", San asks with a smile, Wooyoung returning the expression while neither of them speaks up about them currently very much holding hands as they walk back home together.

"Nope, pretty sure no one thought they were seeing ghosts or anything. I think we dodged that one well."

And then they just start talking about anything and everything. Talk about food when Wooyoung orders something over an app on his phone, but are quick to change the topic to something completely different as soon as that is done. They seem to never run out of topics and laughter actually, enjoying each other's company with far less awkwardness than they were imagining there to possibly be. Because there is actually none at all.

As soon as they reach the dorms, they make their way up to Wooyoung's place after the younger assures San that Yunho is definitely not back yet. He is actually right about it too though, which San finds a little freaky at first. But he does not mind anymore soon after when Wooyoung drags him into the bathroom and they take a shower together. A shower with the occasional kisses and little make out sessions in between actually helping each other clean up properly from their party endeavors.

For just a few minutes everything seems to be just perfect, like nothing sexual or bad had ever been happening between them. For just a few minutes it feels like there is nothing else to worry about in this world than simply being together.

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