Wellwisher or Enemy

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Aryaman :-  I had asked you for Nandini's report.
Soha :- But instead of Nandini's report, I got Navya's report. I saw Navya is pregnant and the father of her child is not Cabir.  Now I had got a good chance to take revenge of my insult from Nandini. In the report, the name of that child's father was written as Harshad Saxena.
Aryaman :- When I got the details of Harshad Saxena, I came to know that he is in jail.   But you can take more illegal advantage from that report.

Soha :- how?

Aryaman :- I told you that this is the right time to take your revenge.  You turn Navya against Nandini. 

Soha :- oh yes.

On the other side,  Navya's blood pressure had shot up and her health had deteriorated.

Nandini goes there.

Nandini :- Navya what happened u?
Navya faints.
Nandini immediately calls doctor.

Doctor :-  She was absolutely fine now, then what happened to her suddenly?  This patient has been given the stress of something. You need to be careful. Stress is not good for her health.

After some time.

Manik :- what happened to her?
Nandini :- The doctor has said that she has taken stress of something.
Cabir :- stress?

Nurse :- Some time back a girl had come to meet her, I think maybe she has said something to her.
Cabir :- who's that?
Nurse :- I don't know.

Cabir :- Navya baby what happened u ? How r u?

Navya tells him everything.

Cabir :- why r u worried? I will handle everything please relax.
Navya :-  Now everyone will ask me whose child is this? What I will say? Everything is over now.  What if something happens to my child?
Cabir :- no why r u worried. Nothing will happen to the child.
Navya :- People will ask me who is the father of this child?   Everyone will call me bad.

Cabir :- Nothing will happen as you are thinking.  I will shut everyone's mouth, no one will say anything to you.
Navya :- but how?

Cabir :- I will give this child my name.  I would say this child is mine & I will not spare that Soha.

Cabir tells everything to Manik and Nandini.
Nandini :- but how can she know about this hospital and especially about truth?
Manik :- something is fishy।

Soha calls Navya again but Navya did not attend her call.
Again She gets a call from an unknown number.
He's none other than Aryaman.

Aryaman :- hey Navya , I am Aryaman speaking. How r u n ur child?
Navya :- why did u call me?
Aryaman :- Before that you disconnect the phone, listen to me because what I want to tell you is very important.
Navya :- Why do you think I'll listen to you and believe u ? I am going to cut ur call And why are you both brother and sister troubling me?
Aryaman :- come on yaar ,  we are ur well wisher, I know we made few mistakes in past but now I want to rectify my mistake.
Navya :- oh really? Why do u think I will believe u?
Aryaman :- I am not saying that u should believe me it's up to you believe me or not, but it's better for you to listen me. I am really ur well wisher. I am telling u all this for ur betterment.
Navya :- come to the point.
Aryaman :- Me and Soha know that the father of your child is Harshad.

Navya is shocked to hear this.

Soha :- relax Navya. You must be wondering how I came to know this truth.  But I consider you my friend, that's why I am telling you that Nandini has told this truth to everyone.
Navya :- what rubbish...I know you are telling lie. This child is mine and Cabir's.  How dare you talk nonsense?  I think you will not change like this, I will have to take strict action against you.
Soha gets scared now.
Aryaman snatches phone from her hand.

Aryaman  :-  If you think we are lying then think for yourself how do we both know about this truth.  Because only Nandini and Manik knew this truth.  By telling this to everyone, Nandini has removed the veil from your secret.
Navya :- she's my bestie, she can't do this. What benefit will Nandini get by doing this with me?
Aryaman :- u r really innocent.  You haven't understood your friend yet.  She doesn't want to adopt your child because now she herself is pregnant.  She just pretends to be your best friend. If both of them adopt your child, they will never treat him like their own child.  You know how someone keeps an orphan child.

Navya gets tensed and cut the call.

Soha :-  She disconnected the call, I don't think she will believe us.
Aryaman :- she will definitely believe us beacuse it's a matter of her child.
Soha :- u r really smart brother.
Aryaman :- but u r really foolish , u r going to spoil my  entire plan.

Aryaman :- but u r really foolish , u r going to spoil my  entire plan

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