The Surprise Visit

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So this is his surprise for you, a visit to Texas from your best bro. You honestly weren't thinking that he would come visit Texas for you especially all the way from Washington. You open up your apartment door a little more so he can come in. once he's in you said "Well this is a pleasant surprise" "Yes it is Dave I knew you probably felt lonely so my dad let me come down to Texas, to see how well you're holding up" he said smiling really wide, as wide as it could go at least you believe. 'Awesome' you said in your head. "How are you holding up Dave? I can't really tell". "I'm doing ... Okay" you say with some hesitation. "Are you sure Dave?Yea" he says hugging you and somewhat touching the cuts. You wince, thank god John can't see your eyes behind your shades. "Yeah, I'm sure," you say in a somewhat pained voice hoping he wouldn't hear the pain your in. "Okay," he says still somewhat sceptical "You can tell me when you need someone you know," he says as he stops hugging you. "Yeah I know," you say.

"Well I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna be here for a few weeks," John said with a slight blush. 'Does John like me?' you thought. "No dude it's fine you can stay here as long as you like" you just hope he doesn't find out you cut. "Awesome" John said

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Time Skip to 10 pm-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

"I think we should be going to bed, I'll take the couch you can have my bed, " you say to John. "No the couch would be uncomfortable for you, why don't we ... share a bed?" John said with some hesitance and a slight blush. Even though he's right you know how awkward that could get and how uncomfortable that would be for both of you. "No, I can tell you'll be uncomfortable with that so I'll just sleep on the couch" plus you didn't want him to catch you getting up to go cut yourself which is a daily thing for you. "N, I'll be fine with sleeping in the same bed as you and I don't want you to be sleeping on an uncomfortable couch". "Fine if it makes you happy I'll sleep in the same bed as you".

Once the two of you get upstairs you go to start getting changed only to realize that John's in the room and he might see the cuts, not just that but he's somewhat uncomfortable. "I'll go change in the bathroom" before he can say anything you leave the room and step into the bathroom. After you close the bathroom door you reach under the sink and grab your blade. You pull your sleeves up to your elbow and before you put the blade to your skin John knocks on the door and says "Hey are you okay you rushed in there pretty quickly". "Yeah I'm fine, just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable," you tell him back hoping he doesn't say anything else. "You don't seem okay can I come in just to make you're not hurt". You are stunned for a moment but quickly reply with "No I'm fine John" you may have said that a little harshly on accident. "Okay but if you do need to tell someone anything please come to me". You wish you could tell him but you don't have the guts to.

After what just happened you quickly drag the blade across your skin and clean the new cuts to make sure no blood got anywhere. You quickly change into some pajama's and go back to your bedroom to see John sitting on your bed deep in thought. Once you sit beside him it snaps him out of thought. He immediately looks down at your wrist and his eyes widen. You look down too only to see that where you just cut was still bleeding. "Why?" was the only thing he could say seeing as he was crying. You yourself were on the verge of tears. "I do this because I feel as if it's my fault Bro died" you try to calm yourself down so that you weren't crying but end up failing. John hugged you then told you "It wasn't your fault he didn't realize he was so close to the edge and you shouldn't do this to yourself when so many people love you, including me, I love you, Dave," he said getting quieter near the end. After he realized what he just confessed he started blushing. His face was as red as your text on Pesterchum. "John I love you too".

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