The Sleepover

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Once the girls got back with their stuff they put it in John's room. You and John had been waiting in his room until they got back. The four of us ended up talking and fooling around in his room for a while until it started to get dark. The four of us got up and John was going to change in his closet because he had the room to, while Jade would change in his room, Rose would change in the bathroom and you would change in my room.

Once we went into our separate places we got changed. You had put on a separate pair of pants and was just about to put on a shirt with long sleeves before Rose had come in. She came over to you and just shook her head, "how did my cousin get into such messed up stuff". You didn't answer her and she didn't expect an answer. You finished putting your shirt on and went with Rose over to John's room. You had noticed that John and Jade were talking before you and Rose came in. You sat next to John on his floor while Rose sat across from you and next to Jade. You were all talking and laughing and having some snacks when suddenly your phone started to ring. You got up and left the room to answer it. When you answered it you recognized the voice but not the number but listened anyway, "Listen, Dave Strider, just because you think you are so handsome and cool doesn't mean you are, just remember who really is". After that, he hung up.

You went back into the room and everyone was looking at you as if they expected you to say who was calling. You sighed and said, "that was Tyler, you know the one that got suspended and he practically just threatened me for 'trying to be cool' even though I am not trying". You sat down next to John and leaned your head against him. The four of you talked for a little longer before realizing it was already 2 am so you all decided to go to bed. You and John went on his bed while the two girls slept on the floor in their own sleeping bags.

You had woken up first out of the four of you. You picked up your phone to notice it was already 10 am. You looked at John and smiled because he looked so peaceful when he sleeps. You decided to just stay in bed until someone else woke up because you didn't want to get up yet. At around 10:30 everyone else started to wake up. You all got dressed for the day and ate breakfast together. James said that he had to go to work so we said goodbye to him and decided to go the park to get a bit of fresh air. You and John put on light jackets while Rose and Jade put on thicker sweaters. Once you got to the park John and Jade went on the swings while you and Rose just stood near them and talked. The four of you talked until it was about 4 pm and Jade and Rose's parents were wondering where they were. We all went back to the house and the two of them grabbed their bags and left.

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