First Date

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You were still crying because he found out your secret but at least now you know the crush you've had on John wasn't just one way and that he returned your feelings. "Can I see how many Dave?" John's voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you were confused for a moment then you realize he meant your cuts. You slowly pulled up the sleeves on your shirt to your elbows to show him all your cuts and scars. Tears sprang into his eyes once again as he hugged you. You pull your sleeves down and lift his face away from your now tear-stained chest. You use your thumb to wipe away his tears, then you slowly lean down and connect your lips with his. When you both pull away he smiles a cute little smile.

"We should probably get some sleep," you tell him. He nods and gets into your bed, then you get into the bed also. He cuddles into you careful not to hurt you. You just put an arm around him and take off your shades as well as his glasses and put them next to your shades. In the morning you wake up and Egbert isn't there anymore. When you smell the air you realize where he is. In the kitchen. You smell bacon, pancakes, and eggs. You get up and walk into the kitchen with a yawn. "Good morning sleepy head" John exclaims in his normally happy voice. You smile a little and tell him in a sleepy voice "Morning Egderp". You realize you didn't have your shades on and that he could see your pure red eyes. He stares at them for a second then goes back to making breakfast. "It's almost done," he says. Suddenly you wrap your arms around his waist and he tenses up but relaxes when he realizes it's only you. "Okay," you reply. You go over to the couch and wait for breakfast to be ready. Once it's ready John brought it over to you. You each had three pieces of bacon, two pancakes and a pile of scrambled eggs. You started eating and it was delicious. "Hey Egderp this is delicious," you tell him looking at him. He looks at you with a small blush and replies with "Really I didn't think it would be good enough that you would say anything". "Well it is that good," you tell him smiling a little bit.

When you're done and so is John he takes both of your plates and puts them in the sink and washes them as you go take a shower. When you're done your shower you go to your room and get changed. As you get changed you didn't notice John come in. Just as you were putting on your shirt John comes over and stops you to take a better look at your cuts. You were a little surprised but let it happen. He then looked at you and then your cuts, then his hand asking you a silent question. When he looks back up at you, you give him a little nod telling him yes to his unasked question. He reaches his hand up and carefully touches the cuts, trying not to hurt you. You wince anyway and he notices and instantly pulls his hand away from your wrist. You grab his hand and put it back telling him it's okay and it didn't hurt too bad. He runs his thumb carefully over all the marks. In a quiet voice, he tells you "You really need to stop". You respond in a just as quiet voice "I know".

After John left you so you could put on your shirt you started thinking while putting on your shirt. 'How am I going to repay John for coming here... I know just the thing' you thought. You go down the stairs to see John sitting on the couch most likely deep in thought. "Hey, John," you say to get his attention. "Hmmm" he replies with as he looks over at you. "Would you... Um... Like to go to this park near by... like on a date or something?" you asked nervously dropping your entire cool kid act. "Of course I will! What you think I would say no?" John said in his normal enthusiastic voice. "Not really I just never asked anyone out before," you said rubbing the back of your neck. "But you say you get the girls all the time I would think you asked out at least one of them," John said confused. "I only say that as an act John you should know me by now I could never get a girl in my life... Besides I never really liked girls only guys and I always had my eyes set on one guy in particular" You say as you go over to him. "Yea your right your too nerdy for the girls and I'm guessing the guy you've wanted is me" John replied happily blushing at the end. "Of course it's you John and how you never realized that I will never understand and how you didn't realize I was a blazing gay I will also never know"

(DaveJohn) Only You Can Help Me (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now