New Place, Same People

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You and John had been hanging out in your room since after breakfast talking about your friends while you were messaging Rose on your phone saying you lived with John now and you and John became a couple, she responded with "'took you long enough'". You were getting dizzy since you didn't have any water yet that day, "Hey John can you get me some water since I haven't had any yet" you ask him, he nods his head and goes downstairs to get you both a glass of water. While he was getting you both some water Jade had asked if you were going to be in the same school as John. You had totally forgotten that you still had to enroll into the school nearby. Just as you were about to respond John came in the room, "My dad said he enrolled you into the school I go to this morning just so you know" John told you. You told Jade that and you and John kept talking. At one point in the conversation, you asked John "Did you come out to your dad as being gay yet?" He responded with "Yes I did, I did it a few months ago I was going to tell you but I wasn't sure if you would accept me" You looked at him and said, "Dude I told you I was gay when I was 10 and you think I wouldn't accept you". He looked at you and blushed "I know but I thought that was a lie" you smirked "I don't lie Egderp unless it is to protect someone" you said. He just kissed you and said, "Also our friends want to see you tomorrow because one they haven't seen you since the funeral and two they want to see you". You look at his dad, that watched the two of you kiss, as he smiled and pat his son on the back and then leaves "I think he knows we are dating now and ok where are we meeting them and at what time". John blushes and said, "Yeah he knows now and at the park nearby at 2 pm". You kiss him and say "Alright that is fine with me". He nods and texts someone on his phone.

You both ended up getting dinner but you barely touch it and John looks at you a little suspicious but his dad just gives you a smile. You smile slightly back and once everyone is done you sit there for a few more minutes before throwing out the food you didn't eat and go find John in his room. You go up behind John and hug him and you catch a glimpse of what he had up on his computer, it was a page all about anorexia. John smiles at you, "Did you actually eat all of your dinner or not anymore after we left the table" he asked. You looked down slightly "I didn't eat all of it but I did eat a little more after you and your dad left the table," You told him. Then he asked the big question that you knew was coming "Dave are you or have you been anorexic" You look at your hands that are now in your lap "I was very anorexic before and I still am just not as bad, I will eat maybe one meal a day" John looked at you shocked "How bad was it before". You looked at him straight in the eyes "I would go for at least a week without eating and when I did eat it was a small piece of bread or toast I felt very guilty when I ate and sometimes I still do" you told him. He looked at you, "When did you start starving yourself and I hope you realize you should get some help right". You wanted to punch him when he said the second part but also realized he was right "Yea I know I do but I don't want to, not yet also I started starving myself at age 10". He hugged and kissed you "Ok I won't force you to get help unless you almost kill yourself," he told you. You hugged him back and told him ok. You and he decided it would be best to go to bed so both of you stripped down to your boxers and got into his bed and fell asleep

(DaveJohn) Only You Can Help Me (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now