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Monday, September 19th 05:32am

This was the first night in approximately 2 months that Hyunjin had gotten a decent nights sleep, it was just the right temperature in his room despite the cold September air still seeping in through the window that was left slightly open. It wasn't too dark it wasn't too bright, it was perfect. Yes, the strict rules that need to be set in order for him to sleep well are a bit Goldie-lock-ish, but he'd do anything just to dream something for once in his life. Anything.

But of course, nothing can last forever. He was awoken by, what sounded like, a large truck or van if you may pull into the driveway to his house. Now judging by the volume of the sound and the placement of his room, one could say that whatever it was that was causing all the ruckus was definitely loud. If Hyunjin could hear it from the back of the house, then anyone could hear it. And there's no way this was just a random coincidence.

He doesn't recall his parents 'telling' him about anything, nor did he remember ordering something. That being said it's not uncommon for him to go on late-night amazon runs and forget about them completely by the time the parcel arrives, however he's got no message, no phone call or even no email to tell him 'oo your parcel is here blah blah blah', so the late night shopping spree was highly unlikely.

But if not that, then what?

He doesn't know, but what he does know it that it probably doesn't concern him, so it's not worth going to check.

With this now in his mind, he made a great attempt on going back to dream land to try and escape from whatever was going on at half five in the morning, but he was unsuccessful.

He ended his trail of thoughts of going back to the safe haven that is his sleep, and faced reality for the first time in what felt like forever. He sat himself up on the edge of his bed, gathering his senses quickly before taking his phone of the nightstand. He tried to unlock the device, but it was completely dead. The screen was black and all that was visible was his reflection, that horrible horrible cruel reflection.

He wasn't entirely aware of what day it was, the last thing he remembers is laying in bed watching a sad k-drama for 48 hours non-stop, And he was pretty sure that that was Friday and Saturday, so it's Sunday? Well, you see, guessing is a useless game people like to play, one that Hyunjin hated. He hated guessing, but more on that later. Right now he was trying to focus on the clock that sat beside his lamp, the clock had the date on it aswell.


"Did i sleep an entire day?.."

His voice was sore, and for the most part inaudible. It sounded like a hoarse whisper, almost gravelly if you will. He only realised that it hurt to speak when he mumbled those few incoherent words, coughing right after.

He had no water, no snacks, no nothing, and he knew it wouldn't just be as simple as walking to the kitchen to get a glass. No no no, not when his parents are around. So instead he resorted to his favourite option; Getting ready for school and leaving via his window 3 or so hours early so he can get the train, sketch for a bit and maybe even by a snack at a nearby convenience store all before the first period bell rang.

So that is exactly what he did.

He stood up, remaining still for a short time to regain focus, and afterwards heading to his closet to pick an outfit. His closet for the most part was in shambles, multiple pairs of sweatpants and sweatshirts laying all over the floor and near ready to fall of hangers, but the few neatly arranged outfits sat nicely folded in the corner. These outfits he had bought himself specifically for school, and he had enough options to rotate round and wear different outfits everyday for 2 weeks. He took good care of these clothes, mainly because they were on the more pricey side of things, but also because he wants to look presentable for leaving his room.

A Crazy Little Thing Called Imagination // HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now