
237 15 48

Monday, September 19th 10:12

Doughnuts, are a great bonding experience.

Especially if its eating them, sitting around 3 squished together tables with no one else but your new found friends and the workers who are off minding their own business, probably smoking 3 cigarettes at once around the back next to the dumpster.

The lights were still on, seeming brighter than usual as to contrast with the pitch black November night outside.

It was so quiet, that if you stood outside the building you'd be able to hear the chatter of 9 happy looking individuals as clear as day.

These 9 happy looking individuals have been sitting in the restaurant for quite some time, engrossed in conversation and, obviously eating the Doughnuts.

Everything about the place had that very distinct feel towards it, almost like a diner. The tables were small and coated in some un-nameable sticky substance, gum stuck to the underneath. There was a max of about 5 normal chairs, which were most likely made of cheap wooden planks with an 80 year old outdoor cushion stuck to it, and the rest of the 'chairs' were solid wooden booths. And they had the cool little paper hats that folded out.

Did any of them really care about the conditions of the place? Most of them would say no, of course not. However there was one or two individuals who were a little.. grossed out about the sticky tables, but they didn't let that stop them from having fun.

The food was good and the company was good, so they were having the time of their lives.

Conversation topics wouldn't stick for more than 5 seconds before it changed to a whole new one, causing at least 1 person in the group to go on a total rant about the subject matter.

Everyone had grown comfortable with the others. Yes, even Hyunjin for the most part.

It was all going just splendid, everyone was taking part in the conversations, everyone was eating doughnuts (occasionally fighting over them, but we don't talk about that), and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Yknow I don't really know how to explain it but even though I've only met most of you guys tonight I feel as if I've known you for longer" Felix spoke, changing the topic once again and glancing over at Jeongin who was sat beside him nodding his head, agreeing.

"Me too- like honestly I feel as if we're one big friend group already"

"Well I mean we are- I think?" Changbin laughed a little at his own question, before looking around the group.

There was many responses, all becoming jumbled together and inaudible, however one thing was for sure and that's that no one, not one single person out of the entire group said anything to do with the word 'no'.

That night, the first day they'd all met up as a group, was the first night in Hyunjins life that he had actually, genuinely forgotten about what lied under his disguise. And that itself, was subconsciously the






The trip to the doughnut shop, formally known as 'Krispy Kreme', was a relatively short run from the parking lot. Yes it was exhausting, but at least they got an immediate reward for sprinting their way there.

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