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Waking up however long after he had fallen asleep was unnecessarily difficult for Hyunjin. The actual waking part not so much, but the getting up part that came afterwards.

He wasn't sure how long he was out for, but it was now bright outside, and he remembered it being relatively dark when he fell asleep.

Gathering all the energy left in him, he sat himself up, using one arm for balance and holding the other up to his head, where a headache was forcing itself in.

He was dizzy, he had a headache, every inch of his body ached, and his first instinct wasn't to lay down and rest, or try get some medicine, and in fact his first instinct was to check his phone.

He turned himself around on the mattress, how perching on the edge of his bed with his phone in hand.

Fortunately, the phone somehow still had battery in it, so he wouldn't have to wait for centuries for it to charge.

Clicking it on, the first thing he checked was his notifications.

3 Missed calls from Yejilina Brolie >
43 unread messages >
2 missed calls from Yejilina Brolie >
1 unseen voicemail


The voicemail was unusual, so that was obviously the first thing he clicked on.

He couldn't remember the last time he had received a voicemail, that is if he had ever actually gotten one, but he was indeed Intriqued.

Turning the sound up slightly, he held the phone to his ear, ignoring the obvious sting.

"Hey Jinnie, it's yej, you aren't picking up your phone so I thought I'd just leave a voice message because you aren't checking my texts either. Why? Why are you ignoring me? I literally didn't do anything wrong? Anyway, I was gonna go on a shopping spree with ryu but I don't have much money left, could you lend me some? I'll pay you back when I can, but it's our anniversary so I need to buy her something. Also, I was wondering if you want to go out soon with the whole group again, maybe we could go out late at night yknow? The thrill off sneaking out! It'd be fun, no? Anyway, let me know when you can! Love you, bye"

He brought the phone down, exiting out of the phone app to check his messages instead.

Yejilina Brolie


Why are you not picking


Screw it ill leave a

He sighed, starting to type his reply.

Hey yej

Sorry my phone died again

How much money do you
need? And sure I can see
about going out again


He sat there staring at the phone for a while, trying to grasp his cousins thought process to leave a voicemail. Messaging worked just the same, and he would've checked that first if he hadn't gotten a voicemail, but nonetheless he had gotten both messages, literally and figuratively.

He was abruptly snapped out of his daydream by a sudden shooting pain across his upper back, which reminded him that he needed to do something about that wound.

A Crazy Little Thing Called Imagination // HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now