
297 16 5

Monday, September 19th 08:23am

The back of the school grounds were horrible, filled with mud and vines. Any plant you'd find had some sort of thorn on it, most of them being poisonous at that. If you dared to venture back there you'd probably find yourself teleported into some fairytale with a specific forest no one could enter, it'd probably be called the 'enchanted forest' or the 'forbidden forest' or something like that.

With all that being said, there was indeed one person who was familiar with the path, having walked along the trail too many times to count. That person, was to no surprise, Hyunjin.

He knew all the shortcuts, all the hidden pathways and all the trails you could possibly find in seoul. There wasn't one he hadn't walked before, may it be a midnight stroll or a trying-to-avoid-people walk.

Speaking of which, he was in fact trying to avoid people by entering the school through the back.

There was a small burn running down the side of the path, seeping onto the soil and turning it to mud, however, hyunjin was able to avoid the patches of dirt and stick to the rocks and the brick wall that lined the school. The wall was just tall enough that it was impossible to jump over, but some time ago part of the fence had crumbled and it left a big enough gap to fit through, that's how hyunjin got into the school premises from back there.

The closer he got to the opening, the wider the path got, meaning he was able to walk comfortably for the next couple, well, seconds.

He slipped through the fence and onto the overgrown grass. A rough part of a loose brick had caught on his hood, pulling it down, so when he pulled it back up, he double checked just to make sure it wouldn't fall again if he decided to run for some god awful reason.

Just like that, he's in school. One of many places he dreads every day of his life, even on weekends.

Walking round to the side of the building, he could see the crowd begin to gather at the gates. He slowly edged closer and closer, avoiding any windows and doors before managing to find a large tree to hide behind. He looked around, spotting yeji and starting to gather his plan of action in his head so nothing could go wrong.

He had to move quick, before the crowd got larger.

He moved out from behind the tree, quickly but quietly moving across the wall.

Nearing the gate, he crept round the gathering of students who were all to distracted bickering about his own return to themselves. Yeji was standing of to the side, near a tree, the perfect spot to turn to next.

He moved over to the tree, hovering behind it for a second before tapping yejis shoulder.


Before she could say anything else she was getting dragged behind the same tree she was originally leaning on, the person, whoever it may be, had a hand over her mouth, so, being the dare devil she is, she stuck out her tongue and licked the hand of the other person who immediately pull away and spun her round.

"That's disgusting! Asshole!" He whisper yelled

Hyunjin quickly pulled down his mask, before pulling it back up just as fast.

"You're the ass here! You could've told me it was you! I thought I was getting fucking kidnapped you dipshit!"

"Well I'm sorry but I didn't want to be seen, I have a disguise for a reason!"

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