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So, I have a big decision to make.

This may not seem like a big deal to you guys, but it is to me.

I've been thinking about it a lot lately... I want to enter this story into the Watty Awards. I never entered Clarity just because I didn't have a lot of faith in it. I didn't think it would do well, so I didn't even try. But I'm not letting that stop me this time.

Basically, I want to know, would you guys vote for my story if I put it in the Wattys? I need your honest answer, please! If you wouldn't, then tell me why, and I will try my hardest to fix this story.

Another thing, is that if I enter the story, I need to decide on what I will do with it. How I'll end it, I mean.

I could either end it the way that I thought I want to (which I am not very sure of now), or I can keep going and come up with another ending.

In other words, we have two options.

A) I can enter the story after I end it, which won't be very long from now, and attempt at making a sequel.


B) I can still enter it, but I can stretch it out as long as I can, and finish this story with the second season, THEN make a sequel for season 3.

So basically, you will tell me how I should end it. I can end it now, or I can end it at the last episode of the second season.

PLEASE tell me your opinion!

Skyfall ✧ John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now