The First Avenger: Chapter Fifteen

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"I could probably work better if I didn't have to dodge you," Howard complained stepping over Rhiley, who was currently, once again, lying on the ground. "You realize I am handling a very unknown, highly possible, dangerous substance right?"

"I know you're being dramatic." Rhiley huffed loudly - some would say dramatically.

"Someone's in a much better mood." Howard placed the cube cartridge inside the blast chamber. Outside, he examines it as his engineer takes notes. "Emission signature is unusual. Alpha, beta, and gamma-ray neutral. Though I doubt Rogers picked up on that." He looked over at Rhiley, "I doubt you picked up on that."

"I may not be able to understand 95% of what you say but I can burn this place down in seconds." Rhiley retorted, "Don't test me, Howie."

"Good thing I made this place fireproof."

"Are you fireproof?"

Howard turned his attention back to the task at hand. "Looks harmless enough - unlike something else in this room." He added.

Rhiley rolled her eyes.

Howard steered the robot claw, extending it, sparking a wire. "Hard to see what all the fuss is about-" The second he touches the wire to the pellet a loud boom exploded throughout the room. The windows in the chamber shattered, and send Howard slamming against the far wall.

When the dust settles, Rhiley hadn't moved an inch from her spot. Pieces of glass float around her. They drop, and she leans up. "Write that down." Howard tells his shaken-up engineer and glared over at his sister, "I feel like there was much more you could have done there."

"I didn't want to." She stood up, dusting a few pieces of glass that landed on her.

Howard makes a choking gesture towards Rhiley before taking a deep breath, "I'm gonna go look for a broom." He said rubbing the bridge of his nose before leaving the lab. His assistant left seconds later.

"Fondue's just cheese and bread, my friend." Howard talked to Steve as they entered the room. "And it sounds like she thinks you've got more going for you than that." Workers replaced the broken glass and swept up the mess on the floor. Rhiley sat on a counter in the corner of the room watching.

"I didn't think-"

"Nor should you, pal. The minute you think you know what's in a woman's head is the minute your goose is well and truly cooked."

"I really wouldn't take that kind of advice from my brother, Rogers." Rhiley chimed in, "He may be smart in a lot of areas but when it comes to women. He's a dumbass."

Howard looks like he's about to say something to Rhiley but only points at her and looks at Steve, "I concentrate on work. Which at the moment is making sure you and your men don't get killed." He paused, "And I guess keeping my sister alive is also part of my job."

"I am on the Caps, team." Rhiley reminded him.

Howard sighed and continued on by unrolling an impressive gray metallic weave. "Carbon polymer. Ought to hold its own against your average German bayonet. Of course, Hydra's not likely to come at you with a pocket knife..." He moves out of the way to show a shield lying on the work table. "I hear you're sort of attached."

Steve walked up to the shield and grazed his finger against one of the bullet holes. "It's handier than you might think."

"So's the hotel chambermaid, but I wouldn't take her into battle."

"Howard Stark," Rhiley warned him.

He rolled his eyes, "Like you weren't thinking the same thing." Howard pulls up a cart with several shields, some built, some half-finished. "I took the liberty of coming up with a few options." He picks up one, "This one's fun. It's fitted with transistorized relays."

Steve ignores Howard's suggestion and pulls out a plain, round shield from the bottom shelf. He spines it in between his palms. It's light and balanced. Like it was made for him. He pings the shield and rings like a bell. "What about this one?"

"Oh, that's just a prototype-" Howard moves past it, "Now this one-"

"What's it made of?"

"Vibranium. Stronger than steel and a third of the weight."

Steve slides the shield onto his arm. "It's completely vibration absorbent." Howard added, "Should make a bullet feel like a cotton ball."

Rhiley smiles when Peggy walks on. "How come it's not standard issued?" Steve asks.

"It's the rarest metal on earth. You're holding all we've got."

Rhiley stood up and intended to walk over to Peggy. "Are you about finished, Mr. Stark? I'm sure the Captain has some unfinished business." Her gaze towards the Captain was icy and the way she spoke made Rhiley think something was wrong.

Steve, who is either completely clueless or is trying to keep the tension under control holds up the Shield. "What do you think?"

Peggy looks at him, expressionless, and then she turns to the table of guns, picks one up, and fires at Steve's chest. Three rounds, each blocked by the shield. The slugs flatten and plunk to the ground. "I think it works." She stalks out of the room.

Rhiley doesn't stay to see the expressions on the men's faces. Instead, she quickly walks after Peggy. Catching up to her in a matter of seconds. "That was either very specific foreplay or Steve did something stupid."

Peggy stopped, arms folded across her chest, and turned to Rhiley. "It's nothing."

"You shoot at him, Pegg's."

She shrugged it off, "I wasn't gonna hurt him."

"What did he do?"

"You know men, soldiers are even worse, they flirt with anything that moves." Peggy shakes her head, "I just thought Steve was different." Peggy pauses when Rhiley begins to laugh, "What's so funny?"

"Steve is different." Rhiley said, "Whatever he did, whatever you think he did, he probably has a wonderful explanation."

"I don't-"

"He's smitten for you, Peggy Carter." Rhiley cut the woman off, "And by the way, since I have to remind you, that you are The Peggy Carter - you can have any guy in the universe. Steve, he knows that - trust me."

"You flirt just like your brother, you know that right?"

"I'm quite literally offended."

"You both flirt with anything that moves but while he flirts to get laid, you flirt to make someone smile." Peggy smiles, "And it always works."


Both Peggy and Rhiley turn to see James heading toward them. "Thank you," Peggy bumps, playfully against Rhiley with her shoulder. "I should get going-" she grabs Rhiley's hand as she turns to walk away. "I'm happy for you, Rhiley." She looks back at James, "He's good for you."

"Unfortunately." Rhiley sighed, "I know."

"Where's Peggy going?" James asks, having walked up after Peggy made her departure.

"She has a few errands." Rhiley shrugged, "Did you need something?"

"I was hoping you were free right now."


"I could start fires for what I feel for you."

~ David Ramirez

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