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"What are you going to tell him?"  Howard followed alongside Rhiley, "That you think a big buffy man is coming back for his hammer he just left behind? That fell from the sky? along with two women and an old man?" 

"Do I climb up to him?" Rhiley asked herself, "Or should I...yell?" 

"Are you asking me?" 

"No." Rhiley waved Howard off. She wanted to cradle her head in her hands and get that thundering to stop -- wait. She looked up, and that thundering was coming from above. She blinks rapidly when a raindrop hits her directly in the eye. 

"It's raining." Howard's head snaps toward the hammer, "Something is happening." 

Rhiley moves. It doesn't take her that long to get to the hammer to find the multiple scientists and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D scrambling about because of the glowing -

"It glows?" 

"It is radioactive." 

"Hey." Rhiley stops one of the scientists, her hand grabbing his arm, "What's going on?" 

"There's something electrical breaking down our equipment." He pulls his hand away and rushes off, trying to figure out what to do like all the others. 

"Shouldn't you be doing something?" 

"I'm not a scientist, Howie." this was the first time Rhiley had used her nickname for her brother since the hallucinations. "

"Hold on a sec!" An Agent says, "We've got something outside the fence, west side." 

"What is it?" Rhiley asks, but no one answers. 

"What are you going to do?"  Howard gave Rhiley a pointed look. "Are you just gonna stand there and do nothing?" He appeared right in front of her, "Like you did that night."  Rhiley ignored him, even though the comment made her throat tighten, and walked right through him. 

"Agents down! We've got a perimeterbreach!" 

"Get Coulson!" 

Everyone around Rhiley knew exactly what they were doing. Rhiley, though, this had been her first big mission since joining S.H.I.E.L.D. She's been training and assisting Phil with his missions. 

This was the first time she's been left on her own. Had she started to rely too much on Phil lately? She wanted to kick herself for that. 

Lightning cracks above them. 

Rhiley looks back at the hammer. "Whatever is happening. It's because of that." She heads over to it, keeping her head on a swivel. "They're coming for this." 

"You're a detective." 

"I heard the sarcasm in that." 

"That belongs to me." At first, with all the chaos, Rhiley had thought Howard had said that. Until she turned away from the hammer and found the man from earlier --- the broken coffee mug beautiful-haired man and he was mad. 

"Who are you?" Rhiley wasn't about to question the sanity of her talking to a man twice her size in the middle of a lightning storm who she 85% thinks is an alien from outer space. She wasn't about to say that out loud though. She lost her sanity a while ago. 

"That's none of your concern." He steps forward, only to get pushed back. 

"I don't think so." Rhiley's fingers twitched at her side. The mental pushback she got from trying to keep the guy in his place almost knocked her on her ass. She wasn't about to have what happened with the hammer happen again. "Stand down." 

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