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Dr. Blake and Dr. Selvig stumble down the street, singing a song Rhiley didn't recognize as she followed closely behind them. She watched them improvise an impromptu drinking dance routine, optimistically in time with the song. 

Rhiley followed them up to a small trailer where Dr. Blake started to beat on the door rapidly with an unconscious Selvin slung over his shoulder. 

She followed them up to a small trailer, inside is strewn with various books, old pizza boxes, and a worried woman lying on her bed, trying to read. "Erik!" A woman opened the door revealing a trailer in a state of perpetual disarray, strewn with various books, and old pizza boxes. "Is he all right?" 

"He's fine." Dr. Blake responded, standing in front of Rhiley so the young woman wasn't able to see the addition to the party. "Not injured at all." 

Dr. Blake bangs Selvigs head on the doorway as he enters. The woman immediately blocks Rhiley from entering. "I'm sorry, who are you?" 

"Lady Jane." Dr. Blake looks at the woman inside the trailer, "That is Lady Rhiley she is my babysitter." Apparently, Dr.  Blake took things a little too literally. 

"I'm with the faceless government agency," Rhiley tells the woman - Jane.

"You took my stuff." 

"I didn't." Rhiley corrected, "May I come in." 


"She is good." Dr. Blake said after putting Dr. Selvig down, "She is trustworthy." 

Rhiley couldn't help but squint her eyes at this statement from Dr. Blake. "You don't know her," Jane tells her, a little more reluctant to trust the stranger in her doorway. 

"I did not know you." Dr. Blake tells Jane, "But my assumptions were correct, were they not?" 

Jane wasn't to argue, Rhiley saw that. She moved out of the way for Rhiley to enter. "Nice place." She says, looking at all the trash spread around. 

Jane looked at Dr. Blake, "What happened?" 

He smiled, "We drank. We fought. He made his ancestors round." He pointed at Rhiley, "Even Lady Rhiley had a little fight in her." 

Dr. Selvig opened his eyes, groggerly, "I still don't believe you're the God of Thunder." 

"Excuse me?" Both Jane and Dr. Blake looked back at Rhiley, "What did he just say? God of Thunder?" 

Jane brushed it off, "He's drunk." 

"He is right." The man points out, "I am the God of Thunder." 

Rhiley looked away from Dr. Blake and at Jane who looked ready to slap someone. She looked stressed as if the last couple of days took everything out of her. "These are your chamber?" The man, who claimed to be the God of Thunder, Dr. Blake asks. 

"Well, it's more of a temporary living space." Jane says, picking up any trash she could grab, "I don't usually have visitors in here. Actually never--" Rhiley moved out of the way as she rushed passed her, "Actually, can we take this outside?" She looked at Thor. 

Rhiley sat down on the little couch, "I'll wait here." 

It looked as if Jane was about to argue but when she looked at Thor, she changed her mind. The two head outside, leaving Rhiley along with Dr. Selvig who was sound asleep on the couch. She pulls out her phone and dials Phil. 


"I have some suspicions." She wasn't about to say God of Thunder out loud. That just sounded ridiculous. "What about you?" 

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