The First Avenger: Chapter Eleven

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A few hours passed when Rhiley woke up from an un-prompt nap. Still suffering from a pounding headache and muscles that felt like they were trying their best to continue to support her. She leaned up in her seat and looked at her brother who was focused on the sky ahead. "We almost there?"


"What are you doing, Rogers?" Peggy got Rhiley's attention. She stood up when she noticed Steve had put on a parachute.

"Don't you even think about it, Rhiley," Howard warned his sister who got a glint of mischief in her eyes.

She grabbed a parachute and strapped it on, "Too late, thought about it."

"I thought you were a good influence on my sister, Rogers!" Howard shouted at the man who had opened the jump door.

"We're taking you both in!" Peggy told them when an explosion rocked the air.

"Shit." Rhiley grabbed onto the frame, her hair wiping around her.

"Once we're clear, turn this thing around and get out of here!" The sudden confidence radiating from Steve made Rhiley smirk.

"You can't give me orders!" Peggy yelled back.

"The hell I can't." He braced himself in the doorway, "I'm a captain!" Steve jumps.

"One hell of a guy you got there, P." Rhiley winked at the woman before jumping herself.

"She's gonna give me a stroke," Howard muttered to himself.

It's been a while since Rhiley jumped out of a plane. Usually, it was without a parachute but she wanted to keep Howard sane for another few years. Well, she could at least try.

It didn't take long for her to land and find Steve who had waited for her. "You good?" He asked.

"I'm better than ever." That was a lie, she still ached all over. "You?"

"Let's find them and get out of here as fast as we can."

They both had been crouched behind crates keeping a low profile. "Should we split up? Cover more ground quicker?"

"What? No." Steve answered without hesitation, "That's a terrible-" but when he looked to where Rhiley was - well - she was no longer there. "Rhiley?" He whispered, not understanding exactly why he whispered for her. She was gone and he needed to trust that she knew what she was doing.

Truthfully, Rhiley was angry that these guys got the upper hand. The last time someone got the upper hand it ended with her being stuck in the hospital for several months. She was also pissed at James for getting caught and making her worried.

This part was easy for her. She found it easy sneaking around, keeping a low profile, and working on her own. At least, she used to be fine working by herself.

Rhiley snuck around a corner only to run into a guard who had been scrolling on his phone. "Oops." He had looked up and made eye contact, dropping his phone and aiming his gun in seconds. "No, I don't think so." She smacked the gun out of his hand and hit him directly in the nose. He hit the ground in seconds. The alarm went off a moment later. "Guess Steve can't keep a low profile." She sighed rushing off.

She planned to find Steve and hopefully the prisoners after that. It wasn't her plan to get thrown off by a familiar face waiting for her.


Rhiley heard him in her head before she saw him. "Dylan." She hissed turning around to find him standing at the end of the hallway she had just come from. "You little shit-" She rushed towards him.


And she did stop, against her will. "I thought you were smart, Rhiley." He walked towards her, "You couldn't have forgotten what happened on that roof, could you?"

Rhiley's hands turned into fists, "How?"

"You didn't think you were the only one with powers, did you?"

"I'm gonna kick your ass."

"Are you?" Dylan shook his head inches away from Rhiley now, "Who do you think has the upper hand right now? Or do I need to remind you who is in control?"

"You're a traitor-"

"Stop talking."

Rhiley went silent. Her lips were numb, she couldn't find a way to move the words that swirled in her mind. It was like she forgot how to speak. "That's better." Dylan removed a piece of hair from her face. "As anyone ever told you, you get annoying after a while?" He smiled, "Oh, you can't answer that." She breathed deeply, glaring at the man, "Mhm...still a little too loud in my opinion." He leaned into her, inches away from her ear, "Stop breathing."

Rhiley's eyes expanded the moment she heard the words in her head and with that, she immediately did what he told her and stopped breathing. "I thought you'd be stronger than this." He said stepping back as her hand reached for her throat. "Smarter." He shoved her, and Rhiley fell, unable to catch herself. "I wanted to meet you so badly." Dylan kneeled. "I wanted to know why."

Dots spread throughout Rhiley's vision. She tried her best to breathe but she couldn't. She was not in control. "Why did he choose you?"

Suddenly, Rhiley was able to take a deep breath. The moment Dylan fell forward, revealing James, holding up the butt end of a gun. "Shit, Rhiley." He dropped the gun and grabbed her. "Breathe."

Even though she could breathe, Rhiley couldn't stop herself from gasping for air, worried that it would be taken from her at any moment. "You're okay." James grabbed her shoulders, "You're safe. I got you."

Rhiley coughed, unable to get a single word in, she did the second-best thing and threw herself into James. Pulling him into a tight-up, they both stood up, holding each other tightly. Finally, she realized what she had done and pulled away, slapping him in the arm and then pointing at him. "I kept my promise. I stayed safe. But you didn't."

"Well," James chuckled, "I never did promise I would."

"It was implied." She looked down at the man who stirred, "We should go."


I feel you everywhere...

"You just left Steve?" James had just caught Rhiley up on everything she had missed in the short amount of time she had been away from Steve. "You could have gotten caught again!" Rhiley wanted to smack James.

"Have you seen Steve? He's fine on his own." James shrugged it off, peaking around a corner before they both carried on, "I needed to find you."

Rhiley grabbed James' arm to pull him back. "I needed to find you." She corrected, "You were the one who was caught!"

"And I thought you were dead." James retorted, "I saw that building collapse, Rhiley. I saw you go down." He pierced his lips together, "I thought I lost you."

Rhiley watched the painful look in James' eyes soften. "I can't lose you."

That's when Rhiley smiled grabbing onto James' hand, she squeezed, "I promised you, didn't I?" She whispered, not breaking eye contact, "I never break my promises, James. I'll never break a promise with you."

In a fight...they're lethal

around each other

they melt. 

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