Once the storm cleared - all that was left of the destroyer - was destroyed.
Rhiley had gone in and out of consciousness during the final battle. She hadn't realized she was trying to lean up until a hand gripped her back and lifted her onto her feet. "I think we're going to have to go over your powers again."
Rhiley would have laughed at Phil's remark if it wasn't for the state he was in. "Are you okay?"
"I can walk." He retorts, "I'm better than you."
Phil looked over at Thor, "Donald, I don't think you've been completely honest with me."
Rhiley sat on the hood of a jeep, watching the others gather around the Bifrost gate. "I didn't really believe in Gods." She admits to Phil who stood next to her, keeping an eye on the civilians. "This is weird."
Darcy turned to Volstagg, "So, how can you speak our language?"
"Your language? Ha! Silly girl, you're speaking ours."
Thor calls up to the sky, and goosebumps are scattered across Rhiley's skin. "Is it possible to be afraid of a hammer?" She asked.
"That hammer?" Phil answers, "Yes."
Thor looked over at the group, "He would open it if he could. I fear the worst."
Volstagg was the first to speak, "Then we're trapped here forever?"
"Then I suppose we'd best start settling into our new lives." Fandral looks over at Darcy, turning on his charm. "Are all earth maidens as fair as you?"
Rhiley laughed at Darcy's comment.
"Heimdall!" Thor yelled once more.
Volstagg eyes SHIELD's machine gun, "Primitive. Good enough for hunting small game, I suppose."
"What are you gonna do if they have to stay?" Rhiley asked, Phil let out a quick laugh. He would have never done that if it had been another Agent who asked that question.
Suddenly, the Bifrost exploded.
"I guess we don't have to find out." Phil glances at Rhiley, "I didn't want to explain that to Director Fury."
"I would have loved to have been there for that conversation."
Thor walked over to Phil, "Know this, son of Coul-" Rhiley almost laughed, "You and I, we fight for the same cause -- the protection of this world from this day forward, count me as your alley." He paused, "If you return the items you have stolen from Jane Foster."
"Not stolen." Coulson corrected, "Borrowed."
Jane shoots him a look, Coulson quickly continues, "You'll get your equipment back. You're going to need it to continue your research, which, after today's events, SHIELD would like to fully support. If that's alright with you."
Jane didn't know what to say. She seemed stunned.
"Lady Rhiley." Thor turned to look at the woman, "Your brother would have been proud."
"It was an honor." She smiles, looking away. She could feel the tears swelling up in her eyes and didn't need to cry in front of the other SHIELD Agents.
Thor took Jane's hand and kissed it tenderly. "Whatever fate lies before me, you are part of it." He tells her, taking her in his arms and kissing her passionately.
Phil awkwardly looked away while Rhiley felt herself sink into that empty feeling in her chest. She watched Thor let Jane go and walk into the Bifrost, disappearing - leaving Jane behind with tears in her eyes.
"Are we done here?" Rhiley asked, slipping off the front of the jeep. She stops when a hole in the sky appears. "That shouldn't be there." She watched as Bifrost's energy built up around it.
"Jane." Selvig looked at Jane who was already in action.
She looked at him, "Somethings wrong."
The Bifrost energy explodes, sparkling across the sky like fireworks. While everyone stared in amusement, Rhiley saw the look on Jane's face -- the defeat.
Jane looked down, seeing Rhiley watching her, and simply said two words that made Rhiley's heart sink for her.
"It's gone."
"You will be a wise King."
"There will never be a wiser king than you. Or a better father." Thor continued, "I have much to learn, I know that now. But someday, perhaps, I will make you proud."
"You've already made me proud." He goes to leave, but stops, "The mortal with the powers." He turns to look at Thor, "Tell me what you saw again."
"A warrior with fire in her veins." Thor described, "She was strong--" He stops when he sees the concerned look on his father's face, "What is it?"
Odin looked at Thor, "I am not sure, my son." He frowns, "But I hope I am wrong."
Rhiley waited at the diner, having ordered her usual along with Phils. She glanced up at the clock that hung over the bar. She felt the warmth of the coffee mug in her hand, letting the noise of the outdoor traffic soothe her mind.
Phil never arrived late.
"Maybe he got tired of you always following him around like a lost puppy."
She glanced up at Howard sitting opposite her in the booth. "I'm getting tired of you following me around like a puppy."
Howard tilted his head and shrugged.
Rhiley looked back at the door, "Maybe you'll be a little less annoyed with this, Angel Eyes."
Her entire body went cold. She didn't dare look back but she forced herself to look back. Instead of seeing Howard in the seat across from her, she saw James -- his eyes -- every muscle in her body went tight as she stared into those eyes.
Rhliey's own eyes began to water, "Please no-" She whispered, looking down at her coffee and refusing to pay any attention to the man she was hallucinating. She felt the pressure in the back of her head and the nausea rising deep in her stomach.
"Rhiley, what's wrong?"
She had remembered his voice after all these years so well. Even with her eyes closed, she could feel him behind her eyelids as his soothing voice caressed the inside of her mind.
She snapped her eyes open to find Phil standing beside the booth. Rhiley automatically forgets about her troubles when she sees the look on Phil's face. She stood quickly, spilling the coffee in the process. "What's wrong?"
Phil smiled, "He's awake."
"Steve Rogers is awake."

Radioactive | Bucky Barnes
Fanfiction"I want to go back to the time you first told me your name." Rhiley, the twin sister of Howard Stark, finds herself wrapped up with the one and only James Barnes. The next time she sees him is on her new assignment with the 107th Infantry Regiment...