A look of panic crossed both of their faces when the building rumbled. Rhiley stumbled into James who grabbed her before stumbling into a wall himself. He hit it hard, unprepared for whatever that was. "What was that?" Rhiley had quickly gathered herself back up. She pushed herself out of James' arms and rushed down the hallway. Not even looking out for the bad guys.
"Rhiley wait." James huffed in frustration. He felt nauseous, and his knees wobbled. He tried his best to keep up with the woman. He bumped into the back of her when she suddenly stopped. "Why did you stop?"
"Do you smell that?"
James sniffed, "It smells smokey?"
"Fire?" Rhiley guessed, "Do you think Steve left?"
"I don't think he's gonna leave unless I'm by his side."
"That makes sense." She grabbed James' hand, "We need to find him before this building collapses on us."
"One building is enough, huh?"
"Oh, shut up, James." She went left, "It wasn't a pleasant experience."
"I bet."
"Captain America, How exciting." A new voice drifted down the hall. The two followed the direction it came from until it go louder and louder, and they were facing the person who had said it. "I'm a fan of your movies."
"Captain." James alerted Steve they were there.
"Get out of here." Steve didn't even glance back at them.
"So the old man managed it after all. Not quite an improvement, but impressive." And the 'bad guy' Rhiley only assumed, because of the 'bad guy' speech he was starting to make. They always do. He glanced her way and smirked before turning his attention back to Steve.
Steve, out of nowhere, punched the man in the face. "You've got no idea."
The man seemed unphased. Strangely pleased. "Do I?"
Both James and Rhiley stepped back and out of the way of the fight between the two. Rhiley wanted to jump in, but her feet wouldn't move. So, she watched.
"Erskine said your experiment was a failure."
"A failure? Oh, no, Captain." The man got up, and finally, Rhiley could see his face again. "I was his greatest success." He peeled what was left of his face off. Revealing a bright red burn.
"You don't have one of those, do you?" James had asked. Rhiley glanced over at him.
"You're a liar, Captain." The man sneered, "You pretend to be a simple soldier. But in reality, you're just afraid to admit we've left humanity behind."
"Oh shut up." Rhiley rolled her eyes, she felt James slap her arm. "You don't know anything about him."
The man chuckled at Rhiley, shaking his head, "And you're a nobody not worth my time." He turned back to Steve, "Unlike your Captain, I embrace it proudly. Without the masquerade...without fear."
"Then how come your running?"
James grabbed Rhiley by her elbows when she tried to charge at the man. "It's not worth it. Steve's got it." He pulled her back and away from the two.
The man doesn't respond. Instead, Steve scowls from the end of the catwalk, helpless. Zola hands Skull back his titanium box and the two of them step into the elevator and disappear. At that exact moment, an explosion rocks the catwalk.
Rhiley stumbled forward onto her knees. She grabbed a hold of the railing and caught a glimpse of the ground beneath them. Flames threatened to engulf them.
"Hurry." Steve grabbed Rhiley and pulled her up before she even had the chance to regain her composure.
Rhiley directly went to James and put a hand around his waist to ease the weight on his bad leg. Steve saw this quick and sudden action and if this was under different circumstances maybe he would have teased Bucky. But when the next explosion caused the catwalk they had been on to collapse in the middle. He reframed from the teasing.
"Steve." Rhiley stepped toward him but quickly steps back when the flames roared to life in front of her.
James began to panic, "There's got to be a rope or something."
Rhiley stared at the fire that danced in front of them. Blocking the only path their friend had to freedom. "Get out of here!" Steve yelled from the other end. Black smoke rose up to the ceiling above. Another boom rocked the building.
"Not without you!" The pain in James' voice broke Rhiley. She had grabbed him the moment he stepped too close to the open flames.
"James." She grabbed him, trying to calm him down, "Stop it, James! Listen to me." She finally gets his attention. "You said you trust me, right?" James doesn't answer, he didn't need to. his look gave Rhiley the answer she wanted. "Get back."
Rhiley gently shoved James back and away from the situation. She then turned her attention back to Steve who looked to be calculating a way across the fire pit. "Steve!" The man looked directly at Rhiley, "Jump when I tell you too. Got it!" She pushed her arm up when a stray flame flicked in her face. Her skin sizzled. But left nothing but an ash mark behind.
"Why did he choose you?" Those few words repeated in Rhiley's head. She wanted to understand exactly why Dylan was after her and how he knew so much about her. About what she went through in the last year. Why he would ask that specific question?
Rhiley lifted her hands up and stared down at her open palms. The truth was; Rhiley hated herself. She despised herself. She breathed deeply in, her lungs on fire. She burned, much like the flames in front of her. From within, there was something she vowed to never use again. Her hands clasped up into fists and she glared up.
For a split second, Steve swore he saw Rhiley's eyes change color.
Suddenly, like magic, the flames parted the moment Rhiley waved her arms out. Like she had pulled back a curtain and was holding it open for Steve. "Steve!" She yelled, and the man didn't hesitate. He took a step back before lunging forward.
Steve wanted to dodge Rhiley but ended up jumping right into her. Knocking both of them over. "Shit!" Rhiley yelled, "Steve!"
"Rhiley, I'm sorry." Steve scrambled up onto his feet. He was about to help her up but didn't realize how fast Bucky was. He was already right by Rhiley's side and helping her up.
"We gotta get out of here now." He told them. The fire had returned to its normal form. Except, as another explosion rocked the building it grew. Like a flash flood. The flames towered towards them, faster than the three had been expecting.
"Shit." Like before, Rhiley pushed herself in front of the two men and shoved her hands out. Both James and Steve had been expecting to be fried. But instead of the fire burning them, they watched the fire completely stop at Rhiley. She had her arms up, and the sleeves of her uniform were seared to the elbows.
James couldn't explain what he was seeing. Rhiley's forearms glowed orange as the fire was absorbed by her skin. This went on until only smoke filled the room. That's when Rhiley collapsed. "Rhiley." James grabbed her and pulled her up. She burned at the touch. Like she had developed a fever in just a short amount of time and when she looked up at him.
Her eyes glowed red.
"You don't need a weapon when you were born one."

Radioactive | Bucky Barnes
Fanfiction"I want to go back to the time you first told me your name." Rhiley, the twin sister of Howard Stark, finds herself wrapped up with the one and only James Barnes. The next time she sees him is on her new assignment with the 107th Infantry Regiment...