Quick A/N (and maybe a random drabble)

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So, it's been a while hasn't it. My life has changed a lot since I was writing these oneshots, or in the hermitcraft community in general. I miss my friends on the discord, but it was overwhelming for me to keep up with the server even when I had access to discord. If any of You guys see this, Ender, Jade, Xo, or Glitch, I wish you well and I miss you, even if you don't remember me.

Now I guess I should address my absence. Most of it started with my lack of inspiration, I wanted to write but I couldn't figure out anything to write. If you hadn't noticed by the many unfinished miniseries I have a huge issue with that. After that, I wasn't really in random anymore. I didn't really read things, or write things.

I figured a lot of things out in my irl life. Figured out how to find happiness with myself and my friends. Eventually I associated this random, as good as it and the people within it had been, with time of the past, an older me. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that this probably marks the end for me. I might occasionally write things as inspiration hits, but I doubt it. I'm announcing my leave of the hermitcraft fandom.

To those that see this, I ask if you could try and get any of the people I knew to see this. I'd love to talk to Glitch or Jade or Ender or So again, even if for a short time. I send my farewells to the others I knew, Goosy, Hapy, Aster. You guys were all a bit part of my life and I'm happy you could take part.

Now, for a short drabble.

I raised my voice able the run of the symphony beginning, a composer announcing his magnum opus. Everyone I had known was here, from.friends to acquaintances to faces only seen in passing. I

"Welcome, everyone, to my Unfinished Symphony." After I spoke, the clarinets picked up a soft, closing melody. A gentle rolling sound only periodically interrupted by a meandering line from the mallets or flutes.

The piece progressed, the trombones and euphoniums in entered a halting, abrupt fashion. Foots began to stamp and heads began to nod along with the melody steadily growing in volume.

As the trombones and euphonium backed out to a quiet hum, the rest of the band came in with a roaring melody reminiscent of a wild meadow on a sunny day. The French horns a pack of deer grazing among new spring grasses. A burst of sounds from the trumpets as wolves.doesn't out from behind the cover of brush. A rapid, twisting melody from the flutes as hooves and paws began to pound grass in a wild chase. The beating of drums, and the roaring of tubes to announce a creature being felled.

The conductor furiously waved his baton, acknowledging different sections as they took over, the instruments increasing in volume as they worked in tandem to produce a story through sound alone. Suddenly the baton was raised, a thick cloud of smoke fell on the band, and the maddening crescendo came to a sudden halt after reaching an almost deafening clamor.

When the smoke dissipated, it revealed standing in the wake of the stage one lone man, playing a sweet, soothing melody on the trumpet. When he stopped, a spotlight shone on a lone woman playing he saxophone, picking up a roving, wandering sound before both stopped with a quiet hum.

All was quiet. The audience was slightly confused but nonetheless amazed, standing up and gently clapping. After a time the run died town, and all returned to their seats.

I may not be anywhere near as good at writing music as whoops (if I remember their name correctly) but I gave it my shot. Probably my final work, a goodbye to a small corner of my past life, though I'm treating this with far too much grandeur and prestige for such a small, insignificant thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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