Chapter 1

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Rebecca Patricia "Becky" Armstrong, 20 years old. One of the hottest young actresses in Thailand. She is being loved by many because of her down to earth personality. She makes sure to have time for her fans and really interacts with them.

Her Father is a well known businessman but with that comes so much rivalry. He loves her daughter so much but sometimes being too over protective of Becky. That Becky does feel pressured about being his daughter.

Her Mom and Older brother are all supportive of her also. Richie, is always protective of her baby sister. He makes sure Becky is okay. He also have his own company in Thailand and some business in UK.


Becky was presented with a new project but this time it a bit challenging role for her. She will be doing a GL series. At first she was hesitant but when she read the script she fell in love with it. She said yes to the project even though she did not yet consulted her parents.

On the other hand her dad is also having thoughts of bringing Becky back to the United Kingdom to protect her from his rivals in the business, but when he saw how happy Becky was with the new project. He doesn't want to be the reason for her heartbreak.

So Mr. Armstrong did what he needs to do to protect his daughter.


P'saint may I know who is my partner in the series? Becky is so curious to know about it.

We cannot reveal her yet. Let's wait, okay.

Becky is already studying her script. She had a reading session with the director and she makes sure to take note of the points the director gives her.


After several days, P'Saint announced that Becky's partner will be intoduced later.

Becky got excited to meet her.

And a lady in white polo shirt and denim pants entered the room.

Okay, guys, ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce you to our other lead character. She is Freen Sarocha. She will play Sam in the series. So Becky your Sam is already here.

Becky stand up and went to Freen and offered her hand for a handshake.

Nice meeting you Freen.

Nice meeting you, too. Freen replied.

Okay, so lets start the workshop and I hope you will be able to find the comfortability. Kru A the director said.

They had to do script reading first.

The director also asked Becky and Freen to be more comfortable with each other.

After their workshop, Freen will just take a taxi because her car is now in the shop.

Becky's attention was caught by this girl standing in the corner of the street. It's Freen. She asked her driver to stop first.

Hey, are you waiting for someone?

Ahm, I am waiting for a Taxi. My car is at the shop right now. So I have no choice but to take the taxi.

If its okay you can ride with me. Let me bring you home.

Oh, its okay. I live a bit far from here.

No worries. Becky opened the door. Come on. Just tell my driver your address.

Since Becky really insisted, Freen could no longer refuse.

She let Becky bring her home.

It was a productive day for them.

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