Chapter 26

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Becky is now preparing once again for an upcoming movie, it will be a thriller movie. It is an intense movie that needs for Becky to prepare physically. She is also doing some workshop since this will be her first time doing a thriller suspense movie.

Becky is really busy as of the moment and even her time for Freen is really being sacrificed.

Freen on the other hand assures Becky that she understand the situation. usually Freen will just busy her self at the café, sometimes she goes to her aunt bringing Sunshine with her. 

It's just the two of us again, Sunshine. But it's okay, we understand your mommy, right? then she rub sunshine's belly. 


Freen decided to surprise Becky on the set and brought some milk tea for her and the team. She just miss her so much and she thought it will be a good idea to make a quick visit. 

When she arrived at the location, she immediately took out the milk teas from the cooler and walk towards the set, Amy,  Becky's road manager saw her and approach her immediately.

Hey there. Long time no see, Freen.

Hi, where is Becky?

Ahm.. she's with her acting coach still. They are still doing some run through with the script with her. 

I see. Not possible to disturbed, right? 

If you want to wait for her, she might have a break in a while. 

Then Freen agreed to stay for a while, she is also chatting with the other cast and she shared to them the milk tea she brought. 

When the door of the room where Becky is doing her workshop opened Freen is excited, but it changed to a frown when she saw Becky with the acting coach all sweet and all smiles. 

Freen does not like the scene in front of her now. Becky did not even notice her. Freen just shook her head, she told Amy that she'll leave now. 

But she is done now... Amy tried to stop Freen but she knows the latter did not like what she is seeing. 

Becky went back to her tent and she saw the milk tea, she knows this are Freen's product. 

Did she sent this? she is asked Amy.

Ahm, she was here, but left when she saw you with coach. 

what? why you did not tell me. 

I was suppose to, but Freen said not to disturb you. She waited like about an hour but when she saw you with coach she decided to leave. I could not stop her, sorry. I think she just did not like what she saw Bec.


Freen was not in the mood, she decided to went for a run, she brought Sunshine with her. She shot off her phone and does not want to be disturb. 

Becky is really worries since earlier because Freen is not in her place and her phone is out of reach.

It was already late when she heard the main door open. She immediately stood up from the couch. Sunshine immediately run to her. 

Hi baby, how are you ( then she rub her belly) I missed you. I missed you and daddy so much. Then she kissed sunshine in the head. Then she turned her attention to Freen, who is now walking pass her and going to her room. 

Becky went to immediately back hug her. 

Amy told me that you went to the location earlier, thanks for the milk tea you brought. 

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