Chapter 23

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Becky is really amazed with the place and she's really loving it. She takes photos after photos. 

Babe, you know you can still upgrade this place if you like. Becky suggested.

I already thought about it babe, but I also don't want to loose the memories me and mom shared here. Even Mom's memories of grandma. But I want to enhance the place, I don't want to tear it down though... Can you help me babe, I want also to help auntie to restore their place, maybe built them another house beside their old house. 

Becky looked at her girl adorably. 

That's why I'm really falling in love with you, because you really have this soft heart and how loving you are. I will support you with your plans babe, don't worry okay. Let's look for someone who can assist us with this.

I hope you are enjoying here babe, Freen said while they are resting in the hammock. Becky is now resting her head on Freen's chest.

Of course bb, I am really enjoying this vacation, thank you for bringing me here baby.. Thank you for being the best partner and thank you for staying by my side even when I am all messed up now.

Hey, no matter what, no matter what is happening, I will always be with you. I will always by your side. I will support you through all of these and I will love you everyday. You are so special to me babe. You are my life baby. You made me see how to cherish my life and I want to thank you for that. Freen said with her soft voice and now she lift Becky's face and gave her a soft kiss.

Becky hugged Freen and kissed her too.

Their kiss is now becoming passionate and deeper.... 

But suddenly sunshine jump on the hammock and started to snuggle with them...

They both laugh.. 

Someone is jealous here, huh. Then Becky rub sunshine's belly. They really love how sweet and adorable their sunshine is.

Babe, I will miss sunshine if we go back to the city.. Becky said.

hmmm... Why does it sound like you are planning something with sunshine, huh... 

Becky looked at Freen and with a begging look.

What? Freen is really suspicious now. 

Can we bring her back with us. Promise I'll take care of her. Promise I will help with the expenses. Please daddy... Let's bring our daughter back with us.

Freen is now serious and thinking. 

Please daddy. Then Sunshine's face is also looking like she is begging Freen to bring her. 

Look at your faces... You two.. hmmm... Okay fine, I will tell auntie that we will bring you with us. You are so lucky that your mommy really loves you and really wants to bring you home... Then she rub Sunshine's head. 

Sunshine suddenly jumps off the hammock then after a minute she is back bringing her blanket...

Freen laugh with her gesture. As if she is saying to them that she is ready to leave.

Becky went closer to her and gave her baby doggy a hug. 

Don't worry daddy already said yes. You will go home with us, okay. 


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