chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After a week of training, I figured I wasn't going to be able to fit in the base in my dragon form ever again. I had grown to be twice my original size. I didn't stop growing though, not yet. I grew bigger with each day.

When Sideswipe came to join our small training group, I'd say he was more than surprised when he saw me. He started shooting at me. I growled and blew a funnel of fire into the air, giving him a warning.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's friendly, Sideswipe! Firestorm, transform!" I watched the two for a moment, making sure, that I was no longer in a hostile situation. Finally, I gave in to Jazz's order and transformed.

"Now that I'm sure you two ain't gonna kill each other, Firestorm, this is my friend Sideswipe. Sideswipe, this is my best friend Firestorm."

"So you're the femme he wouldn't stop moping over? Glad to finally meet you. I'm Sideswipe, as you already know. Oh, and uhh...sorry about shooting you earlier. I kinda thought you were a predacon. I didn't expect you to be so...huge."

"Firestorm. I wasn't that big a week ago. The size came with the training. Ironhide's been working me till I'm out of energy every day."

"Hey! It's worked, hasn't it?" Ironhide said defensively.

"Never said it didn't, Hide," I replied. I turned back to Sideswipe. "Anyway...I'm sort of used to being mistaken for a predacon by now. I kind of understand it. But just so you know, I'm a Dragobot, not a predacon. I don't appreciate that mistake being made twice."

"I'll make sure it doesn't happen again," he smiled. "Shall we get back to your training?"

"Absolutely," I said as I transformed back to my dragon form.

After another week, I was twice as big as I was a week ago, and I had mastered everything Ironhide threw at me. It was time to go back to base.

[Prime's gonna lose his bolts when he sees you] Ironhide commented as we were on our way back to the base.

[You think Prime's gonna lose his bolts? I'd say all them humans are gonna lubricate all over themselves. You remember our last days on Cybertron?] Jazz asked.

[All too well] Sideswipe replied.

[She's bout as big as that walking city Metroplex!] Jazz laughed.

[Almost. About 50 feet difference.] Ironhide added.

[I know not who you are referring to.] I said from my position high above the clouds. [You might wanna give Optimus Prime a warning. I don't think they will be prepared to see me.]

[I'll let em know when we almost there.] Jazz responded.

[WAIT JUST A MINUTE] I said as I halted and dove back to the ground and landed in front of the others. They slammed on their breaks and came to a screeching stop. [Why are we gonna travel the whole way when we have a ground bridge at our disposal?]

They all transformed.

[That does make more sense than travelling the whole way.] Ironhide said. [I'll radio Prime. Ironhide to Optimus Prime.]

[This is Optimus Prime.]

[Ratchet have the ground bridge done yet?]

[It has been completed for approximately three days.]

[Get Ratchet to send us a bridge.]

[I am already on it.]

[And Optimus?] Jazz said.

[Yes, Jazz?]

[I'm gonna go ahead and warn ya about Firestorm's dragon form. She's about as big as Metroplex now.]


[I see. I will inform Captain Lennox. Optimus Prime out.]

I transformed back to my bi-ped form, and a minute later, we were back at base.

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