chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Firestorm?" I turned around to see Ratchet looking at me with concern. He walked towards me.

"First of all, I don't want to hear you using that kind of language again. Secondly, what is the matter?"

"Jazz and Sideswipe are confusing me! They were acting really weird. Jazz was acting like he was going to kill Sideswipe if he touched me. When Jazz left to go see Optimus, Sideswipe started to tell me something. He said, 'When you were-' and then said that it was better if I didn't know. He also said that Jazz didn't want a repeat of something. I don't know what or anything. He wouldn't give me any information. Do you know what he was talking about?"

Ratchet thought for a moment, then looked at me. "I do, but it is not my place to tell you. You will have to ask Jazz and Optimus for the information. I will take you to them if you would like."

"Please," I groaned. "I can't take this weirdness anymore."

He put his arm around my shoulder and guided me to Optimus's office. He knocked. We heard a faint "Come in." He opened the door. Inside was Optimus and Jazz, who was standing at the side of Optimus's desk. I was behind Ratchet, out of their sight.

"What can I do for you, old friend?" Optimus asked kindly.

"Actually, I have brought Firestorm. She has something she wishes to ask of both of you." Ratchet moved to the side, allowing them full view of me. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"What do you wish to ask us?" Optimus asked.

I looked at Jazz. "You and Sideswipe have been keeping something from me. I don't know what, but you have. You've also been acting funny around him. I know you all know something I don't. So tell me."


"I do not have a problem with revealing the information to you," decided Optimus. "Jazz?"

I looked at my best friend, who was watching me through his visor. He looked away momentarily then sighed and pulled something out of his subspace and held it out to me.

"This has everything you wanna know." It was a small rectangle with writing on it and inside of it. I would have to take it to my room so that I could look at it more closely. I put it in my subspace. "It's yours from when ya were human."

My left optic twitched. "Human?! I was never human! I have always been a mighty Cybertronian!" Ratchet then spoke up from my left.

"Actually, your parents had a chip implanted inside of you that turned you human. You reverted back to your true form once I removed it and your memories from your human life were forgotten. They did it to insure your safety once they sent you off planet. I assure you, they were trying to protect you."

I activated my mouth plate so that my expression would be hidden. I looked at everyone in the room, trying to figure out whether I was being told the truth or not. I decided that the rectangle in my subspace would tell me the answer, so I walked out without a word to any of them.

I walked to my room, ignoring everyone I passed, whether they be human or Autobot. I walked into my room and tossed the rectangle onto the desk and sat down in the chair. I stared at the object before me for what seemed like an eternity. Once I decided that I was ready for the answer to all my questions, I zoomed in on the writing using my optics and read cover to cover.

I looked up from the object which I came to know as a diary. My emotions got the best of me and I threw it at the wall. I walked towards the ground bridge as calmly as possible. I tried to not make a scene and make people think that something was wrong with me even though there really was.

Once I got to the room, I noticed that the only one in here was Ironhide. He watched me pass but neither one of us said a word as I entered the coordinates into the ground bridge that I knew all too well.

I entered and the bridge soon closed behind me. I sat down on the sand that was quite familiar to me by now. I stared into the distance as I thought over everything I had read, everything I had written.

I heard the ground bridge open again followed by two sets of footsteps coming out of it. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

The two mechs came and sat on either side of me. I continued to stare ahead at the horizon.

"The worst part," I said, to myself mostly, "is just knowing that that happened to me. I don't feel what I felt then; I don't remember the feeling of hurt. I can't imagine what I felt, only read it and have no hope of remembering. But maybe that's a good thing." I smiled a little. "From what I've read, I was completely broken. Being unable to remember the feeling allowed me to just read it as though it were just a regular datapad. It's like a fresh start," I concluded as I looked at Jazz. "I know you were there and had to suffer through it with me, but that was a whole other species. Humans are selfish beings with no consideration for the well being of others." I turned to look at Sideswipe. "We are Cybertronians. We are far more advanced than the natives of this planet." I returned my gaze to the horizon. "The thing that I still don't get, though, is why you were being so mean to Sideswipe and looked like you were about to kill him."

The lieutenant laughed. "I don't like Sideswipe teasin ya. I didn't want ya to think he was comin onto ya or anything and then get hurt. He's just a flirty mech."

"That's it?" I asked. "Jazz, you're so overprotective!" I laughed.

"I do think you're cute though," Sideswipe commented. I looked over at him and he winked. I giggled and stood up. They stood up next to me.

"I take it Ironhide told you where to find me?"

"He's very helpful when it comes to those things," Sideswipe explained.

"That or he just saw me leave?" I grinned.

"That would be it," he said, referring to the second option. "So you're not upset?"

I shook my head. "Nah. I was just a little emotional is all. It's all good now, though. So what did Prime and Ratchet say to my walking out?" I asked Jazz.

"Ratchet just sighed and went to the med bay I think. Optimus looked kinda sad. It's hard to tell with him bein a Prime and all."

"Makes sense," I decided.

"Oh! Before I forget, Firestorm, I have you're new alt mode on the way. It should be here tomorrow," Sideswipe said.

I cheered in excitement. Once I finally calmed down, Jazz called for a groundbridge and we went back to the base.

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