chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Its been a couple months since we left Washington for Diego Garcia.

Sirens were blaring. Decepticons were here. I jogged out of the base, careful to avoid any humans. Once I was outside, I looked around the island of Diego Garcia, trying to see where the commotion was coming from. Decepticons. Lots of them. They brought the Predacon. I narrowed my optics. The beast would pay for his crimes against humanity.

I was snapped out of my moment of hatred when the other Autobots appeared next to me and Optimus started giving orders.

"Strike force, we will attack from the front. Stealth team, circle around back and get them from behind. I will take on Megatron one on one. Everyone, watch out for the humans and beware of the Predacon. If anyone can get a shot in, shoot. We cannot-"

"No," I growled. "The Predacon is mine." I didn't even wait for Optimus to give us the go. I transformed into my Dragobot form and roared into the sky. The Autobots took that as their cue and charged forward.

I shot into the sky then zoomed over the rows of humans who were doing their best to hold back the Decepticons from the base. Lennox kept firing off orders to his humans. He tried to call out to me, but I wasn't about to listen to him. No one was going to stop me. It was time to get my revenge for what he did to me, to my house, and to my caretaker.

The Predacon turned when he heard my approach. It seemed that he was looking for me. It was then that I noticed how much larger than him that I was. I was five times bigger than him, and he was about to be my personal rag doll. I smirked before I tackled him out of the sky and we crashed into the ground. I grunted as I pushed myself off of him just enough to be able to claw his face. Energon leaked from the wound. I bit at his shoulder and clamped my jaws down. When I pulled back, his arm came with me and tore completely apart from the rest of his body. I spit his arm to the side as he cried out in pain.

I kept trying to bite him, but I got blocked by his massive claws as they scraped against my muzzle and tore off small chunks of armor. It stung, but it was nothing compared to the wounds I had already inflicted on him. I went at his chest for another bite. He was too weak to fight me off for much longer. I tore a piece of his chest armor and protoform away, exposing a bit of his spark. He let out a ear-splitting screech of pain. The main battle became silent.

The Predacon tried so pitifully to push himself away from me, but his strength failed him. Time to show the Decepticons what awaited them if they chose to stay any longer. I picked up the Predacon's tail with my mouth and drug him out to where the main battle was going on. Humans, Autobots, and Decepticons were all staring in our direction. I dropped my enemy onto the ground in front of me and looked around. It seemed that the Decepticons were getting the upper hand in this battle. Thankfully, all of the Autobots were still alive. Most of them were pretty beat up, though.

I hissed at the Decepticons. "Fear me," I growled in the Dragobot language, a language that I created myself. The Decepticons all took a step back except for Megatron. He stepped forward. I narrowed my optics and growled in warning.

"I see the Autobots got a new pet," he smirked. "It appears that you pulverized our Predacon rather ruthlessly. You would make a fine Decepticon. Join our ranks and you could have glory beyond anything you've ever imagine before."

"Lord Megatron, are you mad?!" Starscream yelled in disbelief.

"Silence!" The Megatron turned back to me. "What do you say?" Was he serious?

I roared in his face before transforming into my bi-ped form. This was the only way they would be able to understand my disgust at his offer.

"Let's get one thing straight. I am no one's pet. You would do well to remember that. Secondly, it is my very hatred for this creature," I gestured to the Predacon, "that makes me want to destroy you where you stand. So no. There is no way on Cybertron that would make me join the pitiful likes of you. You can send a whole legion of Predacons! They would not be able to defeat me. You would do well to remember that, you waste of tin."

Megatron watched me carefully before ordering the retreat of the Decepticons. After they left with what remained of the Predacon, the Autobots and humans all looked at me.

"That was reckless," Optimus said.

"Extremely," my carrier added. "What if you had been killed?!"

"I'm a Dragobot for Primus' sake! I wasn't going to die! I might be leaking, but it's just a surface wound! Look at yourselves! You all look like you swung by the scrap yard! Besides, would you have rather me stayed locked up in the base while you all got destroyed by the beast? You barely survived the Decepticons," I huffed.

"Firestorm, it was not my intention for you to battle the Decepticons' most powerful asset. I did not wish for you to get hurt," Optimus explained.

"You didn't want me to get hurt? Optimus, look at the Autobots. Every last one of you requires a medic in some way." Ratchet realized it suddenly and started doing what he could. "You can't keep treating me like a sparkling. I may be the youngest of us, but I have the right to fight the Decepticons just as much as the rest of you. I'm a part of this army whether you like it or not."
"She's right," Jazz whispered from where he sat. "We keep wantin to keep her out of danger, but we need all the help we can get. She's our best bet and we all know it. Just imagine if she hadn't been here today. We'd have all been scrapped by now."

I was glad that someone understood me. If anyone did, he would.

Sideswipe stood up suddenly. "I agree." He slowly rolled over to where Jazz was and stood by him. I nodded in approval.

"I see," Optimus stated. "Very well. From this moment on, we will treat you as an equal. I am sorry for what has happened."

It happened days later. The Decepticons were leaving Earth. All of them. We are still not certain as to what compelled them to do so. Perhaps their leader finally realized that they were no match for the Autobots now that they had me on their side. Or maybe they figured out they the Autobots would defend this planet even if there was one Bot left standing. Whatever the reason may be, we Autobots will not be leaving this planet defenseless in the event that the Decepticons one day return.

Even if the rest of the Autobots must leave this planet, it has been decided and agreed upon by all Autobots that I would stay behind and guard this planet until my spark is no more. I will always be part of Earth's defenses against Decepticon invaders or any other hostile life form that comes from outside this planet's atmosphere. This is, after all, where I've spent many years of my life even though I don't remember it. It is also my duty as an Autobot and Dragobot to defend the freedom of all sentient beings. I have chosen planet Earth as my duty post. That being said, this planet will be safe from all aliens until I oxidize and rust.

My Best Friend, JazzWhere stories live. Discover now