chapter 4

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Chapter 4

                Lennox's jaw dropped.  "Her mom is...?"

                Jazz nodded once and I walked to his foot so that we were closer.  I looked to the ground sadly.

                "Crap!" Lennox exclaimed.  He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed heavily.  "That was our best agent!"

                I looked up suddenly.  "Wait.  Agent?"

                The Captain cursed himself silently.  "You weren't suppose to know that yet, but I guess I'm gonna have to tell you now."

                "You walked straight into that one," Jazz said as he shook his head.

                "No kidding," Lennox replied.  He paused for a few seconds.  "Alright, I'll start talking.  That woman wasn't your mother.  She was one of our agents who had custody of you.  It wasn't legal, but it couldn't have been anyway.  There are no records of you anywhere.  We didn't know about your special life signal at the time that she got you.  She found you crying in an alley and decided to take you in.  That's why you've never been to school or had family.  She was single and wanted to give you a good life. "

                "So...I had no one,"  I mumbled to myself as I looked to the ground.  I guess that would explain my Cybertronian signal.  I looked up at Jazz, not knowing what to do.  His optics went dark for a moment before he turned to Lennox.

                "O.P. and the others are on the way back.  They'll be here lickety split!"

                "That's good to hear."  The Captain started barking orders.  "Alright, the Autobots are on the way back!  I want guards at every door and I want snipers on the roof.  We don't know if this thing followed them back secretly and we need to be prepared for anything."  The soldiers nodded and started running to their posts.

                "Is this really necessary?" I asked Jazz.

                He looked down at me and nodded.  "It's just a lil safety precaution.  Once they're sure that that flying tin can ain't around, they'll all go back to normal.  But just to make sure..." He picked me up and set me on his shoulder.

                Optimus and the others soon arrived, no predacon behind them.  They transformed and they all immediately noticed me perched on Jazz's shoulder.  Optimus stepped forward.

                "Lilianna, we will need to speak with you privately, if that is alright."

                I nodded in agreement, but Lennox didn't seem to like the idea.

                "Optimus, you can't just take a human-"

                "Captain Lennox, you are aware of her Autobot signal.  The only part of her that resembles a human is how she looks.  There is not any proof that she is a human.  Therefore, she is an Autobot Cybertronian.  Are you saying that we cannot converse privately amongst our own race?"

                I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing as Lennox gave up and gave us the sign that it was okay to go.

                Satisfied, Optimus led us to a room with the other Autobots trailing behind us.  Ironhide sealed the door shut behind him.  Once everyone was settled, the Autobot Leader began speaking to me.

                "Lilianna, you remember your dream from last night, correct?"


                "Good.  That means there is less to explain.  Before we get into the serious discussion, you will be staying with us in the Autobot half of the base."

                "That sounds good.  Will I be staying in a room with Jazz?"

                "We actually all sleep in the same room in our vehicle modes.  You will have your own room to enter and leave as you wish," Optimus said kindly.  I guess I could stay in my own room.  I'd rather have Jazz with me, but I would try it out.  "That being said," he continued, "we now must get into your genetics and parentage, which is part of Ratchet's area of expertise."  He signaled to Ratchet to begin.

                "All organisms come from somewhere.  Sentient ones, like you and I, are created sexually, meaning we have a mother and father, or in the case of a Cybertronian, a carrier and sire.  Now, there are a few options one can look at when trying to determine the races of their parents.  You could have a mother and sire, a carrier and father, a mother and father, or a carrier and sire.  We can immediately eliminate mother and father since you have to have at least one Cybertronian parent.  However, that may be where the path to find the answer hits a dead end.  You could have had a chip implanted that is making you take on your current form, which is human.  That could have been done for a variety of reasons, although the main would probably be safety due to the war that was ravaging Cybertron.  They would have gotten the chip implanted.  Then they would have sent you here so that you would be safe from all harm on Cybertron.  However, you must look at the possibilities.  The only logical choice we are looking at is both of your parents being Cybertronian and they had the chip implanted in you.  The other two options would have been a large... size difference.  Knowing that, we can conclude that your parents are both Cybertronian.  That leads us to one question.  Who are your parents?  I'll have to run some DNA scans to be able to determine.  However, I'd like to scan you now to see if my suspicions of a chip are correct.  If they are, I'll have to perform surgery to get it out.  Will you allow me to scan you?"

                I blinked a couple of times, trying to process what all he had said.  When I finally figured it all out, I agreed.

                He slowly took me from Jazz's shoulder and let had me sitting in the palm of his hand.  Seconds later, a green light swept over me three times.  I watched as Ratchet's eyes dimmed.  He must have been going through the information.  His body suddenly stiffened and his eyes came back to their full glow.

                "I was right," he announced.  "It's in the back of your head attached to your brain."  He looked at Optimus.  "Permission to perform neurosurgery?"

                Optimus watched me for a moment.  "It will give us all better knowledge of who she is and will help her decide who she is as well.  Permission granted."

                Jazz gave me a reassuring smile as Ratchet turned and walked through the way we had came.  He took me to a large room that resembled a surgical room at a hospital.

                "This is my medical bay," he informed me when he saw that I was looking around.  This is where the Autobots come when they need medical attention.  I've been in the business for millions of years, so I have acquired surgical precision.  You won't have to worry about any slip ups."

                This made me feel better. 

                Minutes later, I was laying on my stomach on a large table with an I.V. hooked up to my hand.  I watched Ratchet insert something into the I.V..  I began to feel drowsy.  I don't remember what happened after that, because the medicine made me fall asleep.

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