a party to remember ❣️| carl x reader fanfic

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hi guys it's bella here! this story will get a bit spicy, not too much. this first one is loosely based off an episode, but with a twist. around season 7-8 in Alexandria. love ya!!

I've been at Alexandria for a couple months now with my family. We've settled in nicely and it's starting to feel like home. About a week ago, a new group came into Alexandria. Out of all the people, I noticed this one boy. He looked around my age, mid length brown hair that draped his shoulders. His eyes were blue and had fair skin. My heart jumped up my throat when I saw him walking in through the gates. The next day, we saw each other once and gave him a half smile and said hello. He glared at me and sped walked away. So after that I always thought he was a narcissistic asshole and stayed in my lane.

One night Deanna insisted we threw a party to welcome our new community members. everyone came over to the community house chatting and getting to know each other. My friends were in their usual hiding spots but I wasn't going to let myself be like that. while getting more punch, I felt someone bump me from behind, making myself dump punch all over myself. I thought to myself "Oh my god who the hell is stupid enough to -" I whipped my head around glaring and looked up to see who it was and saw him. The boy.

My cheeks were flushed and my hands were shaking. "oh my god I'm so sorry... here let me help." "no it's fine! you've done enough already...." i said coldly. he grabbed a towel off the table, handing it to me and putting it in between my hands. i looked up at him confused."I'm Carl, Carl Grimes" he shook my hand , "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N. nice to meet you" "Look, I feel real bad about all this, I have a shirt just like that at home, you can have it, that punch is probably gonna stain" I looked into his eyes, "yeah that would be great" I spat out, still blushing, still pissed. "I can take you over to my house right now, I wouldnt want you to be all sticky and punchy..." he said quickly. "i would really appreciate that carl" i growled. "Perfect! let's go" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the crowd of people. "Carl! what are you doing?!" I blurted out through giggles.

We were finally outside after weaving in and out of the crowds. We were both out of breath, red and slightly sweating. We caught our breath on the stoops of the house. I looked at him with a grin, "ready?" carl asked. He jumped up and gave me a hand getting up. We started walking down the street, "so.." i said awkwardly "how far is your house?" "right around this corner" carl said pointing to the right. I couldn't stop admiring his beauty. god what i would give to be in his arms....When we approached the house, as Carl opened the door, he lead me up the stairs to his room. Carl flicked the lights on. "you can take a seat over on my bed" he said softly. I obeyed. He went searching through his closet hastily.
"God he's so pretty" I thought in my head. After a while he found the shirt. "wow it's exactly alike" I chuckled. He handed it to me and looked into my soul with his deep blue eyes.

"I know you're pissed at me, for what I have no fucking clue but, since the day I've known you I've wanted something more, always admiring you but-" I blurted out before being cut off by Carls soft lips meeting mine. I closed my eyes kissing back. We pulled away slowly, we were both red. "Y/N, Im sorry, I'm not mad at you, i was nervous about this new town. I'm sorry i'm just going through a lot right now..." tears were slowly running down him face. he sniffled and whipped them away with his sleeve. "Oh carl.." i said while wiping his tears while slightly smiling. I pulled him into a hug, running my hand down his back, comforting him. Carls head resting on my chest while I played with his hair. Then I heard the front door open. Carls looked up at me, "shit." I giggled softly. Carl got up and opened the window quickly. "I'll meet you out in the roof," he said. "Oh God" I breathed.

I looked out into the starry night wrapping my arms around my legs thinking about the world now. with this whole apocalypse thing, and all the people I've meet on my journey. Carl, Rick, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, Daryl and everyone else who has changed my life for the better I- "Hey Y/N!" carl whisper shouted at me. i chuckled slightly and motion for him to come onto the roof "what are you waiting for mister?" Carl climbed onto the roof and sat next to me. I flicked up Carls hat up. "you know I have a thing for cowboys right?" I said seductively. "and I have a thing for pretty girls" Carl kissed me under the stars and I kissed back. I ran my hands up his shirt, then unbuttoning his shirt. I unbuttoned mine.......

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