watching you..❣️| carl grimes x reader fanfic

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HI GUYS!! i hope you like this one it's alright ig but i'm having a writers block SO PLEASE LEAVE REQUESTS AND SUGGESTIONS!!

i look out from my window. of course carls sneaking out again. i've been watching him for a couple weeks now, and he's been leaving every other day at 2 am, returning 2 and a half hours later.

i don't really know carl. i just know of him and talked to him a couple times on runs. he always seemed disconnected from everything and like something was on his mind. truth is i have a thing for carl but i'll never admit it. i don't know if he notices me, but i always notice him.

carl tumbles out of his window, tripping and falling right on his face. i giggle holding my hand over my mouth trying to contain my self. god he was so clumsy, carl did that almost every week but it managed to make me laugh every time.

i see carl drop a comic when leaving his house. i don't know what overcomes me but something inside me tells to grab that damn book. about 15 minutes later i scurry out of my window and dash in my pajamas across the street to pick up the comic. "x-men comic number 44" i mumble to myself picking up the comic and running my fingers along the spine, it's old and worn out.

i look all around me to see if anyone saw me, and run across the street back to my house. i crawl through my window and wonder how carl does this almost every night. i take a closer look at the comic and find myself reading it. i turn the last page when i notice carl returning.

"oh crap." i whisper to myself when carl looks around in the grass for the comic. he's practically hysterical looking everywhere in the area. while looking around he notices my stare form across the street. he cracks a smile in disbelief as i duck under my desk and hit the ground hard.

5 minutes go by before i peek up on my knees over my sean out the window. "good he's gone" i think to myself letting out a small sigh. i crawl into bed throwing the comic on my bedside table.


the next morning i'm out on watch for the walls of alexandria. i'm yawning looking out past the road leading up to the gates. "god it's so early.. i wish i had a cup of coffee right now-" i feel hand rest in my shoulder, cutting off my thoughts by the sound of my name being said. i look behind me to see who it was. "oh hey carl" i mutter looking up at carl "what's up?" he leans over me and whispers into my ear, "meet me outside my house on friday at 2 in the morning. and bring my comic ok?"

carl pulls away to look me dead in the eyes leaning on the rail, my back facing the outside. i look at him confused, trying to throw him off that i know that he sneaks out in the middle of the night. "carl, what the hell are you talking about" i say with a grin. "i don't have your comic"

"how did it end? i didn't get to finish it, did it leave on a cliffhanger? i hate when the end it on cliffhangers." carl say smiling right back. "i have to go y/n, i'll see you later okay?" carl grins cutting off my sentence and walking off. i'm left waving at him awkwardly.


i stay up that night, and get myself ready for later that night. i pull on an old zip up and some jean shorts. at 1:59 i practically roll out my window with the comic book and walk, not run, across the street. carl is already sitting on the grass with his knees to his chest.

i wave up his comic and his face lights up in a grin. when i walked up to him, he was still sitting, looking up at me. "this was really good" i whisper holding up the book. "c'mon, lemme show you where i go every night." he whispers

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