hot for you ❤️‍🔥| carl x reader fanfic

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"why is it so hot out oh my god" i think to myself

"did rick really need the garden to be worked on today, the hottest day of the summer?"

I frustratedly pierce the shovel through the crusted dirt. I can feel all my baby hairs stick to my face and my shirt cling to my sweaty back.

I look over at carl digging away. He scoops up the fertile soil from underneath and plops it to the side. Carls arms look more muscular than I would've guessed, and more pronounced with his rolled up flannel. He catches me staring and I see his eyes fall to me. I flash a fake and cheesy smile before hastily continuing my work. Carl and I have always kinda flirted back and forth but nothing ever comes from it. But every time I see him I still feel giddy like a little girl.

Scenarios about carl run past my mind as my breathing becomes heavier. Dirty images flood my thoughts about Carl fucking me over and over again. the world around me feels fuzzy and muted, and I can feel the sun burning it's sharp rays into me. I drop my shovel and look at my hands, breathing harder and quicker. I sway and plummet onto the ground and close my eyes, gazing up at the silhouettes of people rushing towards me.


I wake up and look around me hastily. I'm laying in the infirmary. I slide out of the hospital bed and feel a pounding in my head. I hiss in pain and grab the bed post for stability.

I hear steps coming towards the room, I look up and see Carl with a cold towel in hand. "Hey, you need to be back in bed and rest" Carl says rushing over to me and grabs my hand.

I look at him confused and cock my head to the side a bit "carl..?" i mutter gripping onto the bed post.

He lowers me down into the bed and places the cold towel over my forehead. Carl pulls up a chair and sits next to me in the bed. i close my eyes for a moment and remember carl's in the room with me.

"uhm, so what happened?" i manage to say opening my tired eyes up again.

"You had a heat stroke while we were digging up the garden with me. You hit your head pretty hard on the shovel as you fell" Carl says rubbing my hand. I hadn't even noticed him grab it but I felt warm and at home.

"Oh shit that's pretty scary.." I say my eyes widening

"You scared me for sure, I was so worried." Carl says sympathetically.

"Thank you, for you know, worrying about me." I whispered, my voice feeling hoarse and dry.

"Anytime y/n." Carl whispers back. "you better get some rest then.." Carl continues nervously as he gets up from his seat. His face and ears are burning red as he stumbles on his words.

I lay in bed processing what has happened and close my eyes, letting the pain from my head wash over me.

time skip the next day~

I'm in the town library organizing the books. They moved me to do all the tedious jobs inside just to be safe. I hear the front door swing open and slam shut. I whip my head around and call out "Hello?"

I don't think too much of it and continue my duties. "y/n?" a voice began. My head looked around trying to locate where the voice came from.

I turn on my heel and run right into Carl. "Carl! You scared me." I laughed.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see you again" he whispered with a smile.

"Me too, I missed seeing you all sweaty in the yard" I teased. I jokingly bit my lip and moved a bit closer.

"Good, we're on the same page.." he whispered.

His blue eyes look deep into me as he studies my face. i smile up at him for a moment.

I felt his warm hand grab the side of my face. I closed my eyes and leaned into him. I perused my lips, connecting our mouths together.

My hands traveled up his back as I pulled myself closer to him. I felt a lump in his pants and smiled to myself. I moaned into his mouth as I pulled him closer. I felt his hands reach up my shirt, his fingers running along the trim of my lacey bra.

"Carl.." i hummed in his mouth "the door..."

"here," carl said swiftly before picking me up, having my legs straddle around his waist. I gasped with a smile being so close to him. Carl's mouth pulled into a smirk before pecking my cheek. He walked over to the front door of the library. I leaned over to lock it and turn off the lights, but quickly after I ripped off my own shirt just to tease him a bit.

I grabbed Carl's face and kissed him deeply. "Lets go to the back room.." I cooed. Carl practically ran to the room and placed me down on the old carpeted ground. As soon as Carl placed me down I unbuttoned and tight jeans and shimmied them off.

I looked back up at Carl to see he ripped off his clothes as well. His chest was toned and pale but irresistible. I looked down at his boxers to see his boner poking out creating a small tent.

Before I could say anything Carl started kissing me from up top, his legs spraddling me. He trailed from my neck to my chest. He unhooked my bra and tossed it to the side, grabbing my soft and supple breasts.

I let out a moan as he started to massage them. I closed my eyes and let out sounds of pleasure into his ears. I looked back up at Carl, just as he took one of them into his mouth and started sucking.

My mouth created an O shape, but no sound coming out. My hands fell to his soft hair as hisses of pleasure left my throat. "oh carl.." I hissed through my teeth. I could feel my panties getting soaked by the minute.

I feel carls eyes on me as he sucks on my chest. I whined into his ear. "mmm carl..."

His lips curled into a grin as i whimpered his name. he nibbled my nipple and pulled away slowly and pulled down his boxers. his member had a raging boner and was glowing with desire.

i looked at his dick and smirked to myself, biting my lip. carl flipped me over so i was on my hands and knees with my back arched. i felt his long bony hands grab onto my hips and insert himself into me.

i gasped for air and bit down on my lip hard. carls dick quivered inside of me for a moment allowing me to adjust before he started to thrust inside me.

"fuck.. carl" i moaned between thrusts. the sounds of our bodies slapping together filled the small room. his hands gripped onto my hips harder with every thrust.

"shit, you're so tight.." carl huffed as he pumped harder into me

my back arches as he thrusts into me. i can hear carl grunting with each thrust. i bite my lip as i groan carls name. "fuck.. im close.." i manage to squeak out. i can hear carl agreeing with me as he picks up the pace. I let out one last moan cumming all over carls dick.

I sigh and take deeps breaths and then feel carl cumming all over my back. I grin and sit there for a minute. i feel carl wiping up my back with a couple of tissues and start to crawl over to him.

I crawl into his lap and lay with him for a bit. his heart beating in my ear i feel happy and safe at home.

carl x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now