arrogant little bastard pt. 2❤️‍🩹| carl x reader fan fic

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i pull down the mirror in the car and start re adjusting my hair. every so often i glance at the review mirror to see rick and daryl tailing us.

i look over at carl to see him gripping onto the steering wheel and his knuckles turning white. he's sweating and checking the mirrors every other second.

i sigh and turn to look at carl "carl, it's not that bad, cmon we'll be fine" i say in a soft voice, trying to calm him down.

he shakes his head and bites his lip looking nervously behind him. "no it won't, i'm never going to come back from this. oh my god, they're going to tease me about this for the rest of my life..they're never gonna take me seriously again.." carl rambles and huffs and puffs

"jesus carl calm down! you're still so whiny even after we just fucked" i mumble sitting back in my seat. i bring my knees to my chest and pick at the skin around my finger nails.

as we pull up to the gates of alexandria my breathing hitches. i pull my hair back and do one final check down, making sure that everything is in order.

i look over at carl and roll my eyes at his nervousness. "carl. look at me." i say sternly. i hear him whining and bickering about how nervous he is. i pull his face to look at mine "stop whining and pull it together" i peck him on the side of the check and step out of the car. carl nods quickly and follows me out the car.


rick and daryl sit me and carl down in the library. we are all sat down at a table in the middle of the building. there's nothing but silence as rick and daryl try and think of something to say.

i'm bouncing my leg nervously squeaking the old wooden chair. my arms are crossed over my chest as different scenarios of what might happen cross my mind. i can feel their eyes like daggers staring into my soul. i glance over at carl whose staring at the ground with a cold expression.

"um, can i lea-" i start as i slightly get up from my chair

"hell no, sit your ass down y/l/n" daryl grumbles in a stern tone. i sit back down and wait for them to begin.

"well," rick starts "I'm glad y'all made up" rick laughs. daryl begins to snicker with him, while still trying to hide the fact that he's serious. carl expression still stays the same, feeling embarrassed and like he's let his father down. i chuckle with the two and lighten up a little.

rick clears his voice and folds his hands on the table "where do we start," rick looks over at daryl and sighs "y'all can't be doing that. i mean, if you guys want to peruse a relationship that's fine but, i mean you guys are old enough-"

i stop rick and hold up my hand "um i don't think me and carl will be, um perusing a relationship.." i say in a staggered manner.

carls ears perk up at my comment "wait, what? are you telling me that meant nothing to you?" carl begins turning to look at me. i shoot him daggers silently to tell him to drop and at that we'll talk about it later.

daryl gives a side eye to rick hearing me and carl talk.

"but, in a car," daryl continues "on a busy street where lots of day to day commute happens. that was irresponsible and stupid. y'all know better" daryl huffs

"that was real stupid you two, y'all can contract diseases and a bunch of other shit ion even wanna think about. y'all are smart kids and you know it, were you guys even thinking?" daryl continues getting a little more intense.

rick nods along with daryl as he talks. my cheeks are flushed and are red hot. i look down at the table and twiddle my thumbs.

"um.." i start but i choke up a bit "well, i don't know.."

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