7 minutes in heaven ❤️‍🔥| carl x reader fanfic

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hello squad! it's me again, this one shot will have a bit of teasing, but mostly fluff(?) and stuff like that. (jk smut lmfao) so I hope you enjoy it! this takes place in Alexandria seasons 7-8 ish (again lol).

ALSO! I have a couple of characters in this story who are... no longer with us I shall say, or from like a season ahead. So I hope y'all are caught up. also, italicized words are like, in your head.

Carl and I have always been close. We would be our official-unofficial partners on runs and would help with certain chores around Alexandria together. Always hanging out, reading comics together, taking naps, watching Judith, and all the fun stuff like that. Friends forever, together forever in this world, we told each other.

Which sounds corny as shit, but it was the end of the world basically. we were each others our other half. some people around Alexandria thought we had something going on, always teasing us. I would especially be embarrassed because I would do anything to be in Carl's strong loving strong arms.

I've always had feelings for him, his personality was so pure and genuine. Something in his soul would make anyone just long to be near him.

Sometimes carl and I would sneak out of the walls at night and just sit by the nearby lake, watching the motionless water as mosquitos and gnats fly by. In moments like those, I would be on the verge of confessing my raw unfiltered feelings to him. But every time, my head tells me no, which is the smart choice I suppose.

Every Friday or so, the kids my age all get together at someone's house to hang out and to try and regain some teenage normalcy in the apocalypse. This week, we all met up at Carl's house around 8:30, anticipating that everyone was going to be late.

I wore a baggy pair of jeans with a ribbed black tank. i also layered it with a flannel that i stole from Carl, it still smelt like him. i wore a belt with my knife and a cross body bag. this was one of my favorite outfits, given that this is the apocalypse and all. still wanna be cute for my baby carl, (i'm delusional)

 still wanna be cute for my baby carl, (i'm delusional)

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I was the first one to show up at his house. Carl's family knew me pretty well as if they were my second family, so I let myself in. I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before heading up and running into Carl's dad Rick. He was eating a turkey sandwich as I walked into the kitchen.

He waved at me mid-bite startled with his mouth full, making me giggle. I did the neighbor wave back "Hey Rick, didn't mean to interrupt your dinner there sorry" I said with a slight smile. Rick finished swallowing and replied, "Oh, that's  fine y/n I was just finishing up. Carl's up there in his room waiting for everyone."

"Oh thanks, Rick, I'll head up there right now-" I replied hastily. "wait before you go I need to talk to you about something quickly." oh shit, what did I do. i've been so busy and tired lately.... I think Rick saw me looking nervous and exhaled and said, "Look, this is awkward for me too, believe me," what the hell I kept thinking to myself...

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