arrogant little bastard ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥 | carl x reader fanfic

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HI GUYS 😁😁 this is a request (kinda) it was a little outside my comfort zone but i really like it actually. this fic has carl being as ass and a bit degrading, but nothing like evil ig. | takes place in alexandria season 7-8 ish

"if anyone has something to say, speak now" rick boomed

the group was deciding on new business. to try and and kill off "the saviors" to gain allies with hill top. specifically to kill this negan guy.

i took a step forward and rose my hand. "honestly rick, i think this is a bad idea. we know almost nothing about these saviors. what if we have more people than we think. this could be the biggest mistake we could make."

"or this could be a great opportunity. we've gone against a lot. i think we can handle this y/n. unless you, don't have faith in your people?"

of course it would be carl to say something stupid like that. we've been at each others throats since day one. he thinks he always know best just because he's the leaders son.

carl is an arrogant know it all. and can't take anyone's opinion ever, or even listen for that matter.

"well i don't have faith in you, that's for sure. but like i said we know jack shit about negan. hell, he could have an army of people by his side"

carl scoffs at this taking a step forward towards me and putting his hands on his hips. "and the hell do you know about stuff like this, huh? you haven't gone through real shit yet princess.."

"what is that supposed to mean daddy's boy? you don't know half of what i've been through. i've been on my own before the world went to shit. while you sat at home with your family, i was on the streets by myself. so you haven't been through real shit" i huff at him taking a step closer to him, our eyes locked

"don't ever fucking assume my life y/n. don't you ever little girl. because i will rock your world. YOU don't know the half of ..."

carl was cut off by me jumping at him and swinging my arms attacking him. rick and daryl pulled us off each other after rolling on the floor.

"that's it i've had enough of your guy's shit! go sit outside. now. i will be out there in 10 minutes. do you think you two can handle that?" rick hissed at me and carl.

our faces were red from embarrassment. i just attacked carl grimes in front of 14 different people. i nodded quickly


me and carl were on the bench outside the building. he was hunched over with his hat down next to me. i glared over at him.

"the fuck you looking at?" carl barked at me

"woah calm down there grimes, don't get you panties in a bunch..." i grumbled huffing.

"you had to escalate things didn't you y/n" carl replied now looking dead ahead, leaning on the wall of the building.

i scoffed back, "you had it coming carl. you knew exactly what the fuck you were doing."

"well i don't know why the hell you're questioning rick. he's never steered us wrong" carl replied cocking his head to the side.

"all i'm saying is that if negan has scared the entire community of hill top to give half their supplies, then negan is probably not what we think." i mutter back at him.

i turned to look at carl on the bench. "why can't you just hear anyone else out ever? you're not always right you know. just get out of your own little world and face the real fucking world. shit carl can you just ever-"

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